
MUJIN Controller Cross-Platform C++ Client

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MUJIN Controller C++ Client Library

This is an open-source client library communicating with the MUJIN Controller WebAPI.

C++ API Documentation

Releases and Versioning

  • The latest stable build is managed by the latest_stable branch, please use it. It is tested on Linux GCC and Microsoft Visual C++.
    • Do not use master branch if you are not a developer.
  • Versions have three numbers: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
    • Official releases always have the MINOR and PATCH version as an even number. For example 0.2.4, 0.2.6, 0.4.0, 0.4.2.
    • All versions with the same MAJOR.MINOR number have the same API ande are ABI compatible.
  • There are git tags for official release like v0.2.4.

Running on Windows

By default, library is installed in C:\Program Files\mujincontrollerclient.

The installed bin directory holds all the DLLs and several sample exe programs.

The installed include directory holds the include files necessary to compile with the library. Furthermore, if the boost library isn't installed in the system, need to use the boost headers from the sources msvc_boost folder. Make sure all include directories are specified in MSVC project include directories field.

There are two ways ot link with the libraries:

  1. To dynamically load all the DLLs at run time, link with lib\mujincontrollerclient-vcXX-mt.lib. Then need to add C:\Program Files\mujincontrollerclient\bin to the PATH, or register all the DLLs with windows system. Need to define the following flags:
  1. To statically link with everything use lib/libmujincontroller-vcXX-mt.lib. The resulting exe will be independent of runtime DLLs, but will be really big.

Note: Several examples require the files inside C:\Program Files\mujincontrollerclient\share folder.

Building on Windows

In the following documentation %MUJINCLIENTGIT% means the root directory where the sources are checked out.

  1. Checkout the source code and install
  1. Download and install CMake (>= v2.8.10)
  2. Run CMake on %MUJINCLIENTGIT%, choose the correct Visual Studio version for the Generator.

The most important CMake options are:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - Set the install directory. Default is C:\Program Files
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Set the type to build. By default should be Release.
  • OPT_SAMPLES - Build the samples
  • OPT_BUILD_STATIC -Build static libraries for the client
  • OPT_BUILD_TESTS - Build the tests
  1. Open the build/mujincontrollerclientcpp.sln solution and compile the ALL_BUILD project.
  1. To build the project using the Visual Studio Command Prompt
msbuild mujincontrollerclient.sln /p:Configuration=Release
  1. In order to Install into c:\Program Files, compile the INSTALL project. For Visual Studio 9 2008 and above use
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release

otherwise use:

msbuild INSTALL.vcproj /p:Configuration=Release

Building x64 Windows with Visual Studio

Make sure to use the Visual Studio Generators that ends with Win64. For example Visual Studio 2010 Win64.

Building x86 architecture on x64 Windows

It is possible to force the architecture that Windows builds on by setting the MUJINCLIENT_TARGET_PROCESSOR


and a x86 Visual Studio Generator.


Building OpenSSL (Optional)

If OpenSSL libraries do not exist for the specific Visual Studio version

  1. Download and Install Starberry Perl
  2. Download and Install NASM. Even on 64bit systems, can use the 32bit NASM binary.
  • On win32, add C:\Program Files\NASM to the PATH variable.
  • On win64, add C:\Program Files (x86)\NASM to the PATH variable
  1. Uncompress openssl-1.0.1j.tar.gz.
  2. Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt, cd into openssl-1.0.1e, set the XX depending on the VC++ version.

For win32 (x86) run:

perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=%MUJINCLIENTGIT%\msvc_binaries\x86\vcXX

For win64 (amd64) run:

perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=%MUJINCLIENTGIT%\msvc_binaries\amd64\vcXX

For all builds, run:

nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
  1. The final binaries should be in the msvc_binaries\arch\vcXX\lib folder.

Building libcurl (Optional)

If libcurl libraries do not exist for the specific Visual Studio version

  1. Uncompress curl-7.32.0-patched.tar.gz

  2. In the Visual Studio Command Prompt and cd into %MUJINCLIENTGIT%/curl-7.32.0 and double check the lib/CMakeLists.txt. Create and compile the project with the following command:

    mkdir buildvcXX
    cd buildvcXX

For x86:

    msbuild CURL.sln /p:Configuration=Release

For amd64:

msbuild CURL.sln /p:Configuration=Release
  1. To install, for Visual Studio 10 2010 and above use
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release

otherwise use:

msbuild INSTALL.vcproj /p:Configuration=Release

where "Visual Studio XX" is the cmake generator for visual studio. for example: "Visual Studio 8 2005" or "Visual Studio 10".

Updating the Windows Libraries

Several libraries are being managed in this repository. If necessary, get upgraded versions from the following places:

  1. boost (any version >= 1.45 is fine).
  • Select Multi-threaded DLL libraries.
  • No extra libraries need to be selected, only the header files.

There is a default included boost (v1.44) if one cannot be detected.

  1. cURL
  • The patches applied to curl are written in curl-7.28.1.patches
  1. OpenSSL
  • Once updated, cURL has to be recompiled just to make sure the symbols match.


MUJIN Controller C++ Client is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

In other words, commercial use and any modifications are allowed.

Since OpenSSL is included, have to insert the following statement in commercial products:

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)

Other Possible Clients

For Maintainers

To setup building documentation, checkout this tutorial so setup gh-pages folder. Then run:

cd gh-pages
git pull origin gh-pages
git rm -rf en ja
cd ../docs
rm doxygenhtml_installed_*
make gh-pages
cd ../gh-pages
git commit -m "updated documentation" -a
git push origin gh-pages