
Official PyTorch reimplementation of "Adaptation of Manga Face Representation for Accurate Clustering"

Primary LanguagePython

Manga Face Clustering

Official PyTorch reimplementation of "Adaptation of Manga Face Representation for Accurate Clustering" presented in SIGGRAPH Asia 2018.


pip install -r requirements.txt

We conduct experiments using torch==1.8.0+cu111 and torchvision==0.9.0+cu111.

How to Use

Dataset Preparation

Download the Manga109 dataset from the official website. The annotation version that we used is v2018.05.31. You can see the version list here.

# script/split_dataset.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx
python script/crop_faces.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx
# script/split_dataset.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx

The commands that are commented out have already been executed.

The statistics of the test data can be obtained using the below command.

python script/get_data_stats.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx


If you want to pre-train a model by yourself, execute the following command.

python pre_train.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx
# evaluation of a pre-trained model
python eval.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx --model_path results/model.pth

If not, download our pre-trained model from here and put it to results/model.pth.


Set a value in [0, 10] as an argument of --title_idx.

python train.py /path/to/Manga109_20xx_xx_xx --title_idx 0


Method Accuracy NMI
Pre-train (paper) 0.48 0.63
Pre-train (reimpl.) 0.472 0.615
Fine-tune (paper) 0.64 0.71
Fine-tune (reimpl.) 0.666 0.718

Difference from the Original Implementation

  • We implemented with PyTorch instead of Chainer. This is because ResNet-50 pre-trained on ImageNet for Chainer is not publicly available.
  • The size of the dataset for pre-training (67,336) is somewhat larger than the value in our paper (67,328).
  • The size of BEMADER_P (1,111 + 82) is somewhat larger than the value in our paper (1,105 + 82).
