
A Database manager for Mongodb written in python.

Primary LanguagePython


A Database manager for MongoDB written in python.

How to use

from DatabaseManager import dataBaseManager
from pymongo import MongoClient

  clients = dict(test = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)) # Support multi client
  db = 'test_db' # You can use list ['test_db', 'test_db2', ...]
  collection = 'test_collection' # You can use list ['test_collection', 'test_collection2', ...]
  data = dict(data='value') # You can use list [dict(data='value'), dict(data='value'), ...]

  dbm = dataBaseManager(clients=clients)
  # dbm = dataBaseManager() is also allowed
  # You can set clients later with
  # bdm.addClient(MongoClient, ClientName) # but it add one client at a time

  dbm.addDB(db) # Add a db on last added client
  # you can specify where to add it addDB(self, db, name=None)
  dbm.addCollection(collection) # Add a collection on last added client
  # you can specify where to add it addCollection(self, collection, db=None, name=None)
  dbm.addData(data) # Add a data on last added client
  # you can specify where to add it addData(self, data, collection=None, db=None, name=None)
  dbm.pushData() # Push last added data
  # you can specify what to push pushData(self, collection=None, db=None, name=None)
  dbm.pullData() # Pull data from server on last added collection
  # You can specify from where to pull pullData(self, collection=None, db=None, name=None)
  data = dbm.getCollectionData() # Get data from last added collections
  # you can specify what to get getCollectionData(self, collection=None, db=None, name=None)
  # it's also possible to change manualy last data with setFull(self, collection, db, name)
  dbm.addRunner() # Add a runner for threaded auto push into database
  dbm.startAllRunner() # Start all runner
  dbm.stopAllRunner() # Stop all runner