
Special Topics class to study AI applications in games

Primary LanguageJava



This code was created as the final project for NIT special topics class IT-485 Applications of AI in games. Assignment was to develop a specialized AI program based on topics covered in the course, and apply the knowledge to something new. For the project, I decided implement a pathfinding algorithm to the game "Letters from Whitechapel" by Fantasy Flight Games.

Legal Disclaimer

I am in no way trying to infringe on the intellectual property of Fantasy Flight Games. I thoroughly enjoy their products and happened to see an opportunity to combine something I enjoy with the opportunity to learn something new. So, to Fantasy Flight Games, please don't take this as any sort of encroachment on your stuff. I'm just a college student that is already giving you what spare money I have when I buy your products. So please don't sue me.


JRE 8.x+


Any questions can be directed to myself at kl275@njit.edu


Kevin Lama

To be filled out as I work on this project further:

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