
Pouchdb bindings for Vue.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pouch Vue

This Plugin is in maintenance mode due to low availability my end, which means new features will only get added by PRs but bugs will still be fixed in a decent time frame

Basic structure copied from https://github.com/buhrmi/vue-pouch with a lot of api changes though


Install via npm:

    npm install --save pouch-vue

The only requirement is that pouchdb-live-find is installed:

    import PouchDB from 'pouchdb-browser'

If you want to use remote databases (CouchDB, Cloudant, etc.), you should also install the authentication plugin:


Then, plug VuePouch into Vue: import PouchVue from 'pouchVue';

    Vue.use(pouchVue, {
      pouch: PouchDB,    // optional if `PouchDB` is available on the global object
      defaultDB: 'remoteDbName',  // this is used as a default connect/disconnect database
      debug: '*' // optional - See `https://pouchdb.com/api.html#debug_mode` for valid settings (will be a separate Plugin in PouchDB 7.0)



$pouch is made available on all vue instances and implements most of pouchdbs current API (https://pouchdb.com/api.html). Default events are mounted on each db you connect to: https://pouchdb.com/api.html#events. When a database is created pouchdb-db-created is emitted and pouchdb-db-destroyed when it's destroyed (which you can listen to with this.$on(EVENT_NAME)).


All Methods return a promise and mirror or extend the API from pouchdb.

  • $pouch.getSession(OPTIONAL db): Returns the current session if already logged in to the defaultDB or given remote DB.
  • $pouch.connect(username, password, OPTIONAL db): Connects you to the defaultDB or given remote DB and returns the user object on success.
  • $pouch.disconnect(OPTIONAL db): Disconnects you from the defaultDB or given remote DB and clears the session data.
  • $pouch.createUser(name, password, OPTIONAL db): Creates a user in the defaultDB or given remote DB and starts a new session.
  • $pouch.putUser(name, OPTIONAL metadata, OPTIONAL db): Update a user in the defaultDB or given remote DB and returns the user object on success. pouchdb-authentication API : putUser
  • $pouch.deleteUser(name, OPTIONAL db): Delete a user in the defaultDB or given remote DB and returns response. pouchdb-authentication API : deleteUser
  • $pouch.signUpAdmin(adminUsername, adminPassword, OPTIONAL db): Sign up a new admin and returns response. pouchdb-authentication API : signUpAdmin
  • $pouch.deleteUser(name, OPTIONAL db):Delete an admin and returns response. pouchdb-authentication API : deleteAdmin

  • $pouch.sync(localDatabase, remoteDatabase, options): Basically the same as PouchDB.sync(local, remote, {live: true, retry: true}). Also, if the browser has an active session cookie, it will fetch session data (username, etc) from the remote server. BONUS: If your remote database runs CouchDB 2.0 or higher, you can also specify a Mango Selector that is used to filter documents coming from the remote server. Callback functions will be invoked with the name pouchdb-[method]-[type]. So in this case you can use this.$on('pouchdb-sync-change', callback(data)) to listen when a change occurs. See https://pouchdb.com/api.html#sync for a full list of events you can use.

default options (will be merged with the options passed in):

   live: true,
   retry: true,
   back_off_function: (delay) => {
       if (delay === 0) {
           return 1000;
       return delay * 3;

For example:

    $pouch.sync('complaints', 'https:/', {
      selector: {
        type: 'complaint',
        assignee: this.session.name

Non-Reactive Properties

  • vm.$databases: the pouchdb instances which are shared across all components.


  <div class="todos">
    <input v-model="message" placeholder="New Todo">
    <button @click="$pouch.post('todos', {message: message});message=''">Save Todo</button>
    <div v-for="todo in todos">
      <input v-model="todo.message" @change="$pouch.put('todos', todo)">
      <button @click="$pouch.remove('todos', todo)">Remove</button>

  export default {
    // VuePouch adds a `pouch` config option to all components.
    pouch: {
      // The simplest usage. queries all documents from the "todos" pouch database and assigns them to the "todos" vue property.
      todos: {/*empty selector*/}
    created: function() {
      // Send all documents to the remote database, and stream changes in real-time. Note if you use filters you need to set them correctly for pouchdb and couchdb. You can set them for each direction separatly: options.push/options.pull. PouchDB might not need the same filter to push documents as couchdb to send the filtered requested documents.
      this.$pouch.sync('todos', 'http://localhost:5984/todos', options);

Reactive & Live Selectors (Mango Queries)

  Show people that are <input v-model="age"> years old.
  <div v-for="person in people">
    {{ person.name }}

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        resultsPerPage: 25,
        currentPage: 1
    // Use the pouch property to configure the component to (reactively) read data from pouchdb.
    pouch: {
      // The function returns a Mango-like selector that is run against the `people` database.
      // The result of the query is assigned to the `people` property.
      people() {
        if (!this.age) return;
        return {age: this.age, type: "person"}
      // You can also specify the database dynamically (local or remote), as well as limits, skip and sort order:
      peopleInOtherDatabase() {
        return {
          database: this.selectedDatabase, // you can pass a database string or a pouchdb instance
          selector: {type: "person"},
          sort: [{name: "asc"}],
          limit: this.resultsPerPage,
          skip: this.resultsPerPage * (this.currentPage - 1)

Single documents

If you only want to sync a single document that matches a selector, use first: true:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  pouch: {
    projectDetails() {
      return {
        database: 'mydatabase',
        selector: {_id: this.selectedProjectId},
        first: true
  // ...


TypeScript example with a TypeScript file and a Single File Component


import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
// @ts-ignore
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb-browser';
// @ts-ignore
import lf from 'pouchdb-find';
// @ts-ignore
import plf from 'pouchdb-live-find';
// @ts-ignore
import PouchVue from 'pouchVue';

// PouchDB plugins: pouchdb-find (included in the monorepo) and LiveFind (external plugin)

// https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/typescript.html#Augmenting-Types-for-Use-with-Plugins

//    Vue has the constructor type in types/vue.d.ts
declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
  // Declare augmentation for Vue
  interface Vue {
    $pouch: PouchDB;      // optional if `PouchDB` is available on the global object
    $defaultDB: string;   // the database to use if none is specified in the pouch setting of the vue component

  pouch: PouchDB,
  defaultDB: 'todos'
}, )

new Vue({});


  <div class="todos">
    <input v-model="message" placeholder="New Todo">
    <button @click="$pouch.post('todos', {message: message});message=''">Save Todo</button>
    <div v-for="todo in todos">
      <input v-model="todo.message" @change="$pouch.put('todos', todo)">
      <button @click="$pouch.remove('todos', todo)">Remove</button>

<script lang="ts">
// ComponentOptions is declared in types/options.d.ts
declare module 'vue/types/options' {
  interface ComponentOptions<V extends Vue> {
    pouch?: any     // this is where the database will be reactive

  // child components this component calls
  components: {
  props: {
  pouch: {
  // The simplest usage. queries all documents from the "todos" pouch database and assigns them to the "todos" vue property.
      todos: {/*empty selector*/}

export default class Todos extends Vue {
  // Lifecycle hooks
  created () { // Send all documents to the remote database, and stream changes in real-time
      this.$pouch.sync('todos', 'http://localhost:5984/todos');
  // mounted () { },
  // updated () { },
  // destroyed () { }

User Authentication

 this.$pouch.connect(this.credentials.username, this.credentials.password)
    .then((res) => {
        let isUnauthorized = res.error === 'unauthorized',
            isOffline = res.status === 0;

                if (isOffline) {

                if (isUnauthorized) {
    .catch((error) => {

Handle Sessions

this.$pouch.getSession().then((data) => {
    if (data.status === 0) {
            console.log('most likely offline');

        if (!data.user || !data.hasAccess) {

        this.$store.commit('UPDATE_SESSION', data);