A starter for your frontend projects, made with Gulp and Webpack2.
- hot module reloading
- injecting css on the fly
- linting
- purify css
The core of the starter is the gulpfile, and I head you thinking "gulp? It's 2017 we are using webpack". Before this turns in a blog post, the reasons are simple. Webpack is great for bundleing javascript. But I do not like it for loading assets, assets do not belong in logic. Personally I think Gulp is perfect for loading images, styles and all other assets.
Webpack is used in combination with Browsersync for HMR and for creating DLL files of your NPM modules.
To create a practicall configuration of the app I used gulp-convict. You can find more info on it here.
The following tasks are pressent
Available tasks
build:prod building production [clean]
clean cleaning dist/
config get the correct config
css building custom stylus
default starts dev server and watching files [clean]
dll making dll files (change dll.loader.js for new seperations)
help Display this help text.
html minify html and move to dist
preserve building files
scripts bundle app (only used for builds)
serve browserSync with webpack middleware [preserve]
Or Dynamically Linked Library, seperate vendor files from your own code and speed up the reloading. Currently we are looking add a reload speed of 200ms in production for an application containing around 3000 lines of code. You can find more information about DLL on robertknight's blog.
Hot module reloading is an really nice thing, you can replace chunks of code live so that you don't get to reload the entire application. If you want to do this for a framework you need to tweek some thing.
If you want to work with cycle you need to change your .babelrc
"presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "stage-1"],
"env": {
"development": {
"plugins": [
["cycle-hmr/most", {
"include": [
"production": {
"plugins": []
change the include patt to your application folder and run npm install cycle-hmr
. If you want to do this for React you want to take a look into react-transform-hmr it works the same as cycle-hmr for setting it up.
moving arroung assets is simple with gulp, the thing I like about gulp is the declarative way it is setup
gulp.task('css', 'building custom stylus', _ => {
browserSync.notify('compiling styles')
return gulp.src(paths.styles + '/main.scss')
.pipe(gulpif(isProd, purify([paths.app + '/**/*.js'])))
.pipe(gulpif(isProd, cleanCSS({ compatibility: 'ie8' })))
.pipe(debug({ title: 'styles' }))
.pipe(gulpif(isDev, browserSync.stream()))
all tasks make use of gulpif
to determine if we are running in development or production, with the simple code that checks the NODE_ENV
const isProd = gulp.environment !== 'develop'
const isDev = gulp.environment === 'develop'
yes this could be done in one line but it makes the gulp tasks a bit more readable.