Marlin_RC7_LCD_Customization for MPCNC-router

This is a customization of the LCD-menu that's in the Marlin version that's configured to work with an MPCNC from
The project version used is the: "RC7_MPCNC_LCD_9916" downloaded from the Firmware-page

Direct link to project file (2017-01-23)

I was going crazy when trying to access the menu objects I needed through the LCD, so I came up with a couple of improvements that customized the menu for me.

####This is what I aimed for:

  • Get rid of all junk I don’t use (I’m only using the machine as a CNC-router)
  • Reorder the menu to put the mostly used commands on top
  • Confirm run function
    • The pot-knob is a bit flaky => I dont want to accedently start to run the wrong file
  • Access the z-probe offset from the LCD-menu
    • The height of the piece of metal I let the tool go down against to probe for z (connected to GND and z-min)
  • Make a temporary Z-offset-menu item
    • Useful if e.g. an engraving ends up too shallow – just make a temporary z-offset of -0.5 mm and run the same file again (make sure to not lose X and Y!!)
    • So that you don’t have to alter the z-probe offset all the time (the probe is most likely the same one...!)
  • “Go to home” command in menu
  • Set current position to home (without offset) menu item
  • Make the 2nd option on a submenu pre-selected
    • If I e.g. enter the submenu “Move Axis” from the “Prep-menu”– most likely my next action won’t be to go back to the prep-menu, but to press the first real option (2nd option)

####And this is my custom menu that I ended up with:

  • Startscreen
    • Back
    • Move Axis
      • 0.1mm
        • Z,X,Y
      • 1mm
        • Z,X,Y
      • 10mm
        • X,Y
    • Probe for Z0
      • Zero only Z
      • Zero All
    • Print from SD
      • bla bla bla
      • Confirmation before it starts to run a file!
    • Go To Home
      • All/X/Y/Z
    • Disable steppers
    • Temp Z offset
    • Speed [%]
    • Z Homing offset
    • Make this home
    • Store to EEPROM
    • LOAD from EEPROM
    • Control
      • acceleration, jerk, speeds.....

###Read the ""-file in the folder "Files to modify" for explanation on how to try it out yourselves!

Update 19/1-17:

  • Added function to set coordinates first - then execute to go to set position
  • Is a bit buggy to wait while the machine moves while turning the knob if I know were I'm heading this is better!
  • Move Z or XY first dependent on if Z is bellow or above 0
  • Affects "homing" and "set coordinates"
  • Reset speed to 100% when file is finnished!
  • If I increased the speed during a file print, there was no way of going back to 100% before I start the next print...
  • Added Mount/UnMount function to the SD-card
  • so I dont have to restart when changing the SD-card
  • Made the gcode return to X0 and Y0 after finnished file in post-processor
  • if something fuckes up during e.g. SD-card swap it's good to know we're at X0Y0 -just probe for Z again!

Update 22/1

  • Implimented a confirmation step before a file is started (the pot-knob is a bit flaky..)