
How well do you know Javascript? Click here to see!

This game will test your javascript acumen by asking a series of timed questions. The faster you can answer correctly, the better your score

How to start the game

  1. When you arrive on the landing page click the button "Start Quiz" to start the game. Also note the navigation option to "View Highscores" and the "Time" value set in the navbar.

  2. You will be presented with 5 javascript related questions and the 75 seconds alloted for this quiz will begin to countdown immediately.

  3. Your score is calculated by time remaining. Answering quickly and correctly results in a higher score. Answering incorrectly results in a penalty of 15 seconds subtracted from time remaining.

  4. When time runs out and/or all questions are answered, you will be presented with your final score and asked to enter your initials for storing.