
POC to build, run, and operate our own internal AWS cloud platform via Crossplane


POC to build, run, and operate our own internal AWS cloud platform via Crossplane.

This repo is forked from https://github.com/upbound/platform-ref-aws#build-and-push-your-platform, and then modified for our needs.


Install Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP)

This installs an Upbound's official enterprise-grade distribution of Crossplane to upbound-system Kuberneted Namespace.

brew install upbound/tap/up
up uxp install

Install and Configure Providers


kubectl apply -f providers/ -R

Validate that all of them are healthy:

kubectl get provider
NAME                  INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                                         AGE
provider-aws          True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/upbound/provider-aws:v0.22.0                    3d6h
provider-helm         True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/provider-helm:v0.12.0        90m
provider-kubernetes   True        True      xpkg.upbound.io/crossplane-contrib/provider-kubernetes:v0.5.0   79m

Configuration for provider-aws

There is a service user crossplane-poc-service created manually. Its Access Key+Secret are used to configure the provider.

# Create a K8s secret with the AWS creds:
kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n upbound-system --from-file=credentials=./creds.conf
echo -e "[default]\naws_access_key_id = $ACCESS_KEY_ID\naws_secret_access_key = $ACCESS_SECRET_KEY" > credentials.conf
kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n upbound-system --from-file=credentials=./credentials.conf
kubectl apply -f examples/aws-default-provider.yaml

Apply Cluster

kubectl apply -f package/cluster/network/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f package/cluster/network/composition.yaml

kubectl apply -f package/cluster/eks/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f package/cluster/eks/composition.yaml

kubectl apply -f package/cluster/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f package/cluster/composition.yaml

kubectl apply -f examples/cluster-claim.yaml