
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Data Merge

A plugin to generate certificates, business cards and similar in Figma

Plugin in Figma Community

Hit "Try it out" to try the plugin out!

Fun fact: most of the coding was done by my friend ChatGPT4, but I did have to help quite a lot.

Improvement suggestions, bug reports, pull requests all welcome!

Development guide

This plugin is built with Create Figma Plugin and this README is mostly left as it was for Preact Rectangles.


Build the plugin

To build the plugin:

$ npm run build

This will generate a manifest.json file and a build/ directory containing the JavaScript bundle(s) for the plugin.

To watch for code changes and rebuild the plugin automatically:

$ npm run watch

Install the plugin

  1. In the Figma desktop app, open a Figma document.
  2. Search for and run Import plugin from manifest… via the Quick Actions search bar.
  3. Select the manifest.json file that was generated by the build script.


Use console.log statements to inspect values in your code.

To open the developer console, search for and run Open Console via the Quick Actions search bar.

See also

Official docs and code samples from Figma: