- 0
Add Layout Components
#448 opened by aze3ma - 1
error in yarn install
#443 opened by hex0cter - 0
Component descriptions in the documentation
#373 opened by magic-m-johnson - 0
- 1
SSR rendering.
#421 opened by imjul1an - 1
- 0
Button label issue in responsive context
#349 opened by schold - 0
Fix positioning in the XStepExplanation
#356 opened by xaviervia - 1
Cannot submit by hitting enter in SingleInputPrompt
#372 opened by OscarF - 1
Extra padding in dropdown - IE11.
#294 opened by ajantabisht - 0
Disable animations if the user requested so
#298 opened by xaviervia - 0
how do I get this working with Meteor
#308 opened by sachinsawant71 - 0
Revisit Dialogs in Tablets
#329 opened by xaviervia - 0
Expose the value of uncontrolled fields
#257 opened by lev-kazakov - 3
- 0
Problems with keyboard navigation in IE
#271 opened by xaviervia - 0
forbidden icon
#243 opened by hogis - 2
Stop hand icon
#242 opened by hogis - 1
Boxselector border visible behind highlight
#246 opened by Nevon - 0
Refactor box selector
#251 opened by Nevon - 0
Create success and error landing templates
#200 opened by xaviervia - 0
Remove cursor pointer for the disabled state of the Switch and the Checkbox
#260 opened by matthiasfeist - 2
- 1
Thank you
#407 opened by marcusradell - 1
- 1
- 1
Show `false` props on JSX demos
#319 opened by xaviervia - 1
Make the sections collapsing work in the Showroom
#226 opened by xaviervia - 1
Add notes about brand volume setting usage
#278 opened by xaviervia - 1
- 1
Safari issues
#195 opened by xaviervia - 0
Add propTypes to template components
#227 opened by xaviervia - 1
- 1
Switch List.Iconic to use Flexbox
#292 opened by xaviervia - 2
Make Iconic List structure with CSS
#231 opened by xaviervia - 0
- 4
Peer dependencies
#309 opened by Nevon - 1
Add "partially checked" status for checkbox
#297 opened by xaviervia - 1
- 0
Hard coded versions in browserslist
#268 opened by ChristerGustavsson - 1
IE<=9: Safe usage of document.activeElement
#253 opened by lev-kazakov - 0
- 0
Add ids to the elements in the nested structures
#230 opened by xaviervia - 0
- 4
Some components do not set ID on wrapper element
#209 opened by jonotrujillo - 0
Paragraph.Primary should not be overriden with custom styles in case of error or warning
#213 opened by farfalena-zz - 0
- 0
Disabled radio input should still have input element
#202 opened by Nevon - 0
Changed toolkit color: Dark gray
#196 opened by hannah-ahl - 0
PinCode changes
#198 opened by xaviervia