Daily Consumption
tobenski opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi There,
I was trying to create a Daily consumption sensor, and i believe the modbus adress is 526 but it seams the messurment is of by quite a bit. (a least compared to the Solarman Logger interface)
My sensor code is this:
- platform: modbus_controller #Daily Consumption
modbus_controller_id: ${modbus_controller_id}
skip_updates: 10
name: ${device_type}-Daily Consumption
id: ${device_type}_Daily_consumption
register_type: holding
address: 526
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
state_class: "total_increasing"
device_class: energy
accuracy_decimals: 2
value_type: U_WORD
- multiply: 0.1
Have you tried getting this sensor to work?
I just use to the total, and let home assistant tell me how high the daily was. When using a daily sensor, its then the inverter that decide when the time reach 00. And not home assistant. Deye inverters tent to drift in clock over time. 5-10min/month have i seen. Therefor the daily is less accurate than a total and let HA controll the daily instead.
Without trying, i would just make it like i did for 527
How much is it off?
Hi again,
I actually made an utility sensor for the daily production bassed on the "total_consumption".
It is showing the same messurement as the "Daily_consumption"
but both numbers ar eof by quite a bit.
Solarman: ESP
15.1 11.7
17.1 14.5
14.8 11.6
This is my (small) data sample. as you can see its off every day.
What does the energy dashboard in HA say?
If the solarman use a different timezone, it will be different.