
A port of the oh-my-zsh cloud theme to prezto

MIT LicenseMIT



This is a port of oh-my-zsh's cloud theme to the prezto prompt module. The prompts are the same as the omz version, but instead of defining the prompt's prefix in the ZSH_THEME_CLOUD_PREFIX environment variable it's done via the config.


  • Copy modules/prompt/functions/prompt_cloud_setup to ~/.zprezto/.
  • Make sure pmodule 'git' is loaded after all other modules are loaded in ~/.zpreztorc.


This prompt's prefix symbol and colors are customizable:

prompt cloud [<symbol>] [<color1>] [<color2>]

In ~/.zpreztorc:

zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'cloud' ['<symbol>'] ['<color1>'] ['<color2>']

If these options are not provided, the symbol defaults to ☁ with colors cyan and green.


Run prompt -h cloud for more information or prompt -p cloud to preview the cloud prompt with custom symbols and colors.