Perl zeromq bindings using libffi and FFI::Raw
ZMQ::FFI exposes a high level, transparent, OO interface to zeromq independent of the underlying libzmq version. Where semantics differ, it will dispatch to the appropriate backend for you. As it uses ffi, there is no dependency on XS or compilation.
use v5.10;
use ZMQ::FFI;
use ZMQ::FFI::Constants qw(ZMQ_REQ ZMQ_REP);
my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$";
my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new( threads => 1 );
my $s1 = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_REQ);
my $s2 = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_REP);
say $s2->recv();
# ohhai
use v5.10;
use ZMQ::FFI;
use ZMQ::FFI::Constants qw(ZMQ_PUB ZMQ_SUB);
use Time::HiRes q(usleep);
my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$";
my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new();
my $s = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_SUB);
my $p = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PUB);
# all topics
until ($s->has_pollin) {
# compensate for slow subscriber
usleep 100_000;
say $s->recv();
# ohhai
# specific topics
$p->send('topic1 ohhai');
$p->send('topic2 ohhai');
until ($s->has_pollin) {
usleep 100_000;
$p->send('topic1 ohhai');
$p->send('topic2 ohhai');
while ($s->has_pollin) {
say join ' ', $s->recv();
# topic1 ohhai
# topic2 ohhai
use v5.10;
use ZMQ::FFI;
use ZMQ::FFI::Constants qw(ZMQ_DEALER ZMQ_ROUTER);
my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$";
my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new();
my $d = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_DEALER);
my $r = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_ROUTER);
$d->send_multipart([qw(ABC DEF GHI)]);
say join ' ', $r->recv_multipart;
# dealer ABC DEF GHI
use v5.10;
use ZMQ::FFI;
use ZMQ::FFI::Constants qw(ZMQ_PUSH ZMQ_PULL);
use AnyEvent;
use EV;
my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$";
my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new();
my @messages = qw(foo bar baz);
my $pull = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PULL);
my $fd = $pull->get_fd();
my $recv = 0;
my $w = AE::io $fd, 0, sub {
while ( $pull->has_pollin ) {
say $pull->recv();
# foo, bar, baz
if ($recv == 3) {
my $push = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PUSH);
my $sent = 0;
my $t;
$t = AE::timer 0, .1, sub {
if ($sent == 3) {
undef $t;
use ZMQ::FFI;
# 2.x context
my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new( soname => '' );
my ($major, $minor, $patch) = $ctx->version;
# 3.x context
my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new( soname => '' );
my ($major, $minor, $patch) = $ctx->version;
# if simply wanting to use ZMQ::FFI
cpanm ZMQ::FFI
# if wanting to hack on the source and build the dist
git clone
cd zmq-ffi
cpanm Dist::Zilla # if not already installed
dzil authordeps | cpanm
dzil build
Full documentation can be found on cpan