
java data to ascii table

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


a trivial way to print data to a table in ascii over java (without much configuration possibilities)

trivial case

this ...

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
aat.addHeaderCols("some", "foo");
aat.add("bello", "pussy", "hans");
aat.add(1, 2, 3., "a very long thing");

... will print out that:

║              some │   foo │  bar ║
║             bello │ pussy │ hans ║
║                 1 │     2 │  3.0 ║
║ a very long thing │       │      ║

use of another padding:

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable(5);
║                  some     │       foo     │      bar     ║
║                 bello     │     pussy     │     hans     ║
║                     1     │         2     │      3.0     ║
║     a very long thing     │               │              ║

add a headline

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
aat.addHeadline("Some test headline");
║ Some test headline               ║
║              some │   foo │  bar ║
║             bello │ pussy │ hans ║
║                 1 │     2 │  3.0 ║
║ a very long thing │       │      ║

add many headlines

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
aat.addHeadline("Some test headline");
aat.addHeadline("And a long explaining text, that may stop here");
aat.addHeadline("or it will end up here.");
║ Some test headline               ║
║ And a long explaining text, that ║
║ may stop here                    ║
║ or it will end up here.          ║
║              some │   foo │  bar ║
║             bello │ pussy │ hans ║
║                 1 │     2 │  3.0 ║
║ a very long thing │       │      ║

no header columns

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
║             bello │ pussy │ hans ║
║                 1 │     2 │  3.0 ║
║ a very long thing │       │      ║

no header columns but headline with padding

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable(3);
aat.addHeadline("Some test headline");
║   Some test headline                         ║
║               bello   │   pussy   │   hans   ║
║                   1   │       2   │    3.0   ║
║   a very long thing   │           │          ║

other borders?

just configure another hell of string:

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
┃              some │   foo │  bar ┃
┃             bello │ pussy │ hans ┃
┃                 1 │     2 │  3.0 ┃
┃ a very long thing │       │      ┃

... or ...

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
aat.setBorderCharacters("╭──╮││ ─││⎬⎨│╰─╯│");
│              some │   foo │  bar │
│             bello │ pussy │ hans │
│                   │       │      │
│                 1 │     2 │  3.0 │
│                   │       │      │
│ a very long thing │       │      │

(yes, I had the time of my life)

border helper

if you want to design your own table borders, do not lose track and do something like ...

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
aat.addHeadline(" - ");
aat.addHeadline(" - ");
aat.addHeaderCols(" - ", " - ", " - ");
aat.add("   ", "   ", "   ");
aat.add("   ", "   ", "   ");
E  -              E
E  -              E
E  -  M  -  M  -  E
E     M     M     E
E     M     M     E

multi lines in a cell?

by default, the lines are separated after 80 characters (known bug if a single word is larger). you can change this by:

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
║                      some │   foo │                       bar ║
║                         a │     b │ Lorem ipsum dolor sit     ║
║                           │       │ amet, consetetur          ║
║                           │       │ sadipscing elitr, sed     ║
║                           │       │ diam nonumy eirmod tempor ║
║                           │       │ invidunt ut labore et     ║
║                           │       │ dolore magna aliquyam     ║
║                           │       │ erat, sed diam voluptua.  ║
║                         1 │ cdefg │                       3.0 ║
║ Lorem ipsum dolor sit     │       │                           ║
║ amet, consetetur          │       │                           ║
║ sadipscing elitr          │       │                           ║

minimize height

AsciiArtTable aat = new AsciiArtTable();
║ Some test headline               ║
║              some │   foo │  bar ║
║             bello │ pussy │ hans ║
║                 1 │     2 │  3.0 ║
║ a very long thing │       │      ║