
A small script to scrape several websites for in stock status

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


NOTE: will only work on fixes as I have time. This is just a small script to get a Pop I need. This is a script to scrape funko pop websites to check for item availability. It sends notification via the app "Telegram".

Running the utility from command line

python pop_bot.py
This program requires you install the app "Telegram". Then you will need to create an API token. Instruction on how to do that can be found here: https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather
  1. Obtain a telegram API token following the following steps: https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather
  2. Obtain the channel id by sending a message from the channel you want to use and then runnign the following command.
  1. curl https://api.telegram.org/bot[TELEGRAM_TOKEN]/getUpdates -v
  2. This will give you the channel id to use in the code
  1. Then you can either run the included executable or running the code directly.
  2. Set Environement Variable -> POPENV to "dev", "stg", or "prd"
  1. dev sets the quantity to purchase to 1, chrome options to have '--headless' DISABLED, and DOES NOT PERFORM AUTOCHECKOUT
  2. stg sets the quantity to purchase to 3, chrome options to have '--headless' DISABLED, and DOES PERFORM AUTOCHECKOUT
  3. prd sets the quantity to purchase to 5, chrome options to have '--headless' ENABLED, and DOES PERFORM AUTOCHECKOUT
  1. /start - starts the search for the specific funko pops
  2. /stop - stops the bot from searching funko pops
  3. /add - takes a single parameter <url> and adds it to the search list
  4. /delete - tales a single parameter <url> and deleted the item if it exists in the search list
  5. /list - shows you the entire search list.
  6. /help - :)
  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D
  • 11/04/2018: Initial Commit
  • 11/04/2018: Added support for the following stores
    • Hot Topic
    • Box Lunch
    • Walmart
    • Barnes and Noble
    • GameStop
    • Blizzard
    • Gemini Collectibles
    • Target
  • 11/08/2018: Added readme, requirements and made code readable
  • 04/18/2019: View Following this [Pull Request](https://github.com/LumbaJack/Funko_Pop_Watcher/pull/2)

License: Apache 2.0 License