== About Snowberry theme ==

Titansberry Wordpress Theme by Klaus Breyer

Simple and clean wordpress theme with nice contrast headers. Good readability of text.
Perfect theme for the personal blogs. Based on HTML of Twenty Eleven and the Snowberry Theme from stfalcon.com

Titansberry, (c) Klaus Breyer
Snowberry Theme is a derivative of Snowberry Theme, (c) stfalcom.com

Google Web font used is Open Sans.

== Theme URIs  ==

Download URI:    https://github.com/stfalcon-studio/wp-theme_snowberry/downloads

== License information =
License:GNU General Public License, v2 (or newer)
License URI:http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Snowberry is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
All images included are under the terms of the GNU GPL

* The library html5shiv is dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Header images used from Copyright free images (http://www.copyright-free-images.com)
* Default Header Image *
Image name:   Blackberries fruit
Image author: Paolo Neo
Image URI:    http://www.copyright-free-images.com/flora-plants-copyright-free-images/fruits-copyright-free-images/blackberries-free-images/blackberries-fruit.jpg.html