
🐛 Rails based error tracker [WIP]

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Rails based error tracker with Airbrake compatible API


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 1 Screenshot 1


  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Redis Database


Environment Variable Description Example
DATABASE_URL Connection info (URL) for the PostgreSQL database postgresql://user:password@server:5432/database
FORCE_SSL Enforce HTTPS on application level true
PUBLIC_HOST Hostname to use for public links oopsy.example.com
PUBLIC_PORT Port to use for public links 443
PUBLIC_SCHEME Scheme / protocol to use for public links https
RAILS_ENV Mode to run the application in production
REDIS_URL Connection info (URL) for the Redis database redis://username:password@server:6379/0
SECRET_KEY_BASE Secret key used for signing and encryption 54a8a8bb94[...]
WEBHOOK_DISCORD_ENABLED Flag to enable discord webhooks true
WEBHOOK_DISCORD_URL URL to use for discord webhooks https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123/456
WEBHOOKS_ENABLED Flag to enable webhooks in general true

Deployment / Installation

Docker / Kubernetes

An official Docker image is available at klausmeyer/oopsy on Docker Hub:

$ docker pull klausmeyer/oopsy:latest

Also there is a helm-chart available at klausmeyer/helm-charts.


The application is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.