According to the maintainers at Zyte, Scrapy is
An open source and collaborative framework for extracting the data you need from websites. In a fast, simple, yet extensible way.
According to the documentation,
Scrapyd is an application for deploying and running Scrapy spiders. It enables you to deploy (upload) your projects and control their spiders using a JSON API.
I was looking for a decent Docker image for Scrapy. I wanted something
- with the most recent version of Python
- easy to update and maintain
- based on Debian
This is it.
docker-compose -f crawling.yaml build scrapy
does the trick.
If you are using RabbitMQ together with Scrapy, you need to provide values for RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER
. I find that an environment file is quite convenient here.
docker-compose -f crawling.yaml up -d
starts the containers for Scrapy and RabbitMQ in detached mode.
I thank Itamar Turner-Trauring (@itamarst) for his articles at and Maximilian Schwarzmüller at ACADEMIND for his excellent course on Docker and Kubernetes.