
A small and proprietary AVR C-Library to play Wavefiles...

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


Kai Lauterbach (klaute @ gmail dot com)


firmware: microcontroller example firmware and library files.

doc: Project documentation files (incomplete).

tools: A tools compilation to do some helpful things. Like converting a
       wave file to C-code.


If you want to play a Wave-File out of the flash:

1. Generate a wavedata.c file with "tools/wav2c.sh".

2. Copy the generated file to the firmware directory.

3. Put the following code somewhere in your code before including the library..


4. Include the Library. The wavedata.c-file is autonaticaly included by the library.

#include "libWavePlay.h"

5. Call "lwp_init()"-function before the endless loop in your main-function.
   This initializes the hardware and the used timers.
   It calls sei() to enable the global interrupt handling.

6. Call "lwp_Play(0)" to start playing of the wavedata. The functionparameter represents
   the startposition in the wavedata array.

If you want to play a Wave-File out of the EEPROM:

It's very familiar to the previos described section.

1. Generate the the wavedata.c file with the same tool a before.
   Instead of copying this file to the firmware directory, you have to
   put a also generated file, which is named like the inputfile but with a
   "_noheader" before the ".wav" extension, into your EEPROM.
2. Define the data source like this:


3. Define the data size in bytes.

#define EEP_WAVE_DATA_SIZE <your wavedata size in bytes>

4. Same steps as you would use the flash as source...