
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Klaviyo SDK - RETIRED

Deprecation Notice

This SDK and its associated NPM Package is deprecated and set to be retired on June 30th, 2024 and will not receive further updates. Use our latest Klaviyo Node SDK to take advantage of our new APIs and to continue to receive SDK updates. You can find out latest Klaviyo Node SDK linked here.

If you need help migrating, please follow the instructions below and read our Migrating from V1/V2 to the new Klaviyo APIs and Comparison between v1/v2 and new APIs.

Migration Instructions

NOTE: this change is not backwards compatible; migrating to the new SDK requires completing the following steps:

Install New SDK

npm install klaviyo-api

Update Client Instantiation

The new library contains code for require and ES modules see how to import the new package according to your project in the readme

Updating API Operations

The new SDK has many name changes to both namespace and parameters (types+format). Please reference this section for a comprehensive list of examples.

What is Klaviyo?

Klaviyo is a real-time service for understanding your customers by aggregating all your customer data, identifying important groups of customers and then taking action. https://www.klaviyo.com/

What can this package do?

  • Track customers and events directly from your backend.
  • Retrieve customer profile data and metric data.
  • Create and update lists.
  • Add and remove profiles from lists.

How to install?

npm install node-klaviyo

Getting started

After installing the package from NPM, you can use the SDK in your project as follows:

const Klaviyo = require('node-klaviyo');

const KlaviyoClient = new Klaviyo({
    publicToken: 'myPublicToken',
    privateToken: 'myPrivateToken'

This package uses the Klaviyo REST APIs to retrieve and update information from your Klaviyo account. A Public API key is required for the methods available from the Public class. The other classes require a Private API key to make use of their methods.

The functions available in this SDK return a promise, which will resolve or reject based on the success of the HTTP request performed. On success, the promise resolves to an object containing the response from the API. On failure, an appropriate error will be thrown based on the status code tied to the failure.

Most functions accept a kwarg-style options object. The exception to this rule are functions with 1 or 0 arguments.


The below examples showcase common usage for the available classes in the SDK, but is by no means a comprehensive guide. For a full list of the arguments for a given function, please refer to the docstring for that function.


These APIs are used for tracking people and the events or actions they do. For instance, tracking when someone is active on your website, when a purchase is made, or when someone watches a video.

The SDK supports both GET and POST requests for these endpoints via the post flag in the method options.

// Identify a user - create/update a profile in Klaviyo
    email: 'pizza.dave@mailinator.com',
    properties: {
        $first_name: 'Pizza',
        $last_name: 'Dave',
        favoriteFood: 'Pad thai'
    post: true //defaults to false

// Track a user's behavior - create an event in Klaviyo
    event: 'Ordered Pizza',
    email: 'pizza.dave@mailinator.com',
    properties: {
        items: [
                size: 'Large',
                toppings: [
                    'Smoked Gouda'
                price: 23.99
        $value: 23.99
    customerProperties: {
        likesOnions: true
    timestamp: 1532806824


The Profiles API is used for managing profile records in Klaviyo.

// Get a profile by its ID in Klaviyo

// Get a profile ID by email

// Update a profile in Klaviyo
    profileId: 'myProfileId'
    properties: {
        favoriteFood: 'Tacos'

// Get the timeline for all events on a profile.
    profileId: 'myProfileId',
    since: 1606262400,
    count: 50,
    sort: 'asc'

// Get the timeline for a specific metric on a profile.
    profileId: 'myProfileId',
    metricId: 'myMetricId',
    since: 1606262400,
    count: 10,
    sort: 'desc'

// Unset properties on a profile.
    profileId: 'myProfileId',
    properties: [
        'This one has spaces'


The Metrics API is used for retrieval of historical event data in Klaviyo.

// Fetches all metrics inside of an account.
    page: 2,
    count: 50

// Fetches all of the metrics and its events regardless of the statistic.
    since: 1606262400,
    count: 100,
    sort: 'asc'

// Returns a timeline of events for a specific metric.
    metricId: 'myMetricId',
    since: 1606262400,
    count: 50,
    sort: 'desc'

// Exports metric values (counts, uniques, totals).
    metricId: 'myMetricId',
    start_date: 2020-11-25,
    end_date: 2020-12-02,
    unit: 'day',
    measurement: 'value',
    where: '[["$attributed_message","=","myMessageId"]]'
    count: 10


This API is used for creating profiles and managing list memberships and subscriptions. This API currently only supports subscribing customers and adding customers to lists. If you would like to manage your segments you can do so from the lists and segments page.

// Get the list of Klaviyo lists on the account.

// Create a new list in Klaviyo.
KlaviyoClient.lists.createList('My New List');

// Gets list details by list ID.

// Change the name of the indicated list to the provided name.
    listId: 'myListId',
    listName: 'New List Name Goes Here'

// Delete a list by its ID.

// Uses the subscribe endpoint to subscribe user to list, this obeys the list opt-in settings.
    listId: 'myListId',
    profiles: [
            email: 'pizza.dave@mailinator.com',
            pizzaSubscriptionType: 'Premium'
            email: 'salami.sam@mailinator.com',
            phone_number: '+12223334444',
            sms_consent: true
            email: 'lasagna.larry@mailinator.com',
            push_token: 'myPushToken'

// Check if profiles are on a list and not suppressed.
    listId: 'myListId',
    emails: [
    phoneNumbers: [
    pushTokens: [

// Delete and remove profiles from list.
    listId: 'myListId',
    emails: [

// Adds a member to a list regardless of opt-in settings.
    listId: 'myListId',
    profiles: [
            email: 'pizza.dave@mailinator.com',
            pizzaSubscriptionType: 'Premium'
            email: 'salami.sam@mailinator.com',
            phone_number: '+12223334444',
            sms_consent: true
            email: 'lasagna.larry@mailinator.com',
            push_token: 'myPushToken'

// Check if profiles are on a list.
    listId: 'myListId',
    emails: [
    phoneNumbers: [
    pushTokens: [

// Remove profiles from a list.
    listId: 'myListId',
    emails: [
    phoneNumbers: [
    pushTokens: [

// Get all of the emails that have been excluded from a list along with the exclusion reason and exclusion time.
    listId: 'myListId',
    marker: 'myMarkerFromPreviousResponse'

// Get all of the emails in a given list or segment.
    groupId: 'mySegmentOrListId',
    marker: 'myMarkerFromPreviousResponse'

Data Privacy

This API is used to submit data privacy-compliant deletion requests.

// Request a data privacy-compliant deletion for a person record
    identifier: 'pizza.dave@mailinator.com',
    id_type: 'email' //can also use 'phone_number' or 'person_id'