
Python Implementation of the Napkin CLI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

npkn: Official CLI for Napkin.io

npkn lets you deploy code to Napkin.io from your local command line. It is currently available as an alpha release and is subject to change.


npkn help

    Show available commands, npkn install location, and current version.
npkn new <name> -r,--runtime=[:runtime] -w,--workspace=[:workspacename]

    Create a new Napkin function.


<name> The name of the new function

    -r, --runtime [:runtime] 
        The runtime to use. One of: 
        - python3.8
        - node14.x
        If no runtime is provided, npkn will use whatever runtime is set via the
        NPKN_DEFAULT_RUNTIME environment variable. If neither is set, npkn will exit.
    -w, --workspace [:workspacename] 
        [EXPERIMENTAL] The name of the workspace in which to create the new function. Defaults to
        the default account workspace if not provided.

npkn pull <name>

    Copy an existing function from napkin.io to your local machine's working directory.

        The name of the function to pull. If pulling from a non-default workspace, use the following syntax:
        <workspacename:functionname>. For example, if pulling a function called 'foo' from a workspace called 'bar':
            npkn pull foo:bar
npkn run -n,--name=[:name]

    Run a function on Napkin and get the result


    -n, --name [:name] 
        Name of function to run. The function named [:name] must be in the 
        current working directory. If no name is provided, npkn will look for a 
        metadata.yaml file and function.py file in the current working directory 
        and run that. If neither is found, npkn will exit.
npkn deploy -n,--name=[:name]

    Deploy local changes to napkin.io

     -n, --name [:name] 
        Name of function to deploy. The function named [:name] must be in the 
        current working directory. If no name is provided, npkn will look for a 
        metadata.yaml file and function.py file in the current working directory 
        and deploy that. If neither is found, npkn will exit.   


From Github

pip install git+https://github.com/NapkinHQ/npkn-py.git

PyPI (Coming soon)

Set Credentials

  1. First, fill out the Google Form for access. We will send your credentials using the email you used to sign up for Napkin.
  2. Once you've received your credentials, set the following environment variables:

Manual Installation

  1. Install Poetry (if not already installed)
  2. Clone and initialize the repo
git clone https://github.com/NapkinHQ/npkn-py.git
cd npkn-py
poetry install
  1. Try out via Poetry shell
poetry shell
> npkn help

Run Local Tests

poetry run pytest

Optional Environment Variables

These environment variables are optional and mostly intended for development purposes:


Usage Examples

Create a new Napkin Python function

>>> npkn new -r python3.8 tell-time

Creating new function 'tell-time' ✅

>>> cd tell-time && ls -la

drwxrwxr-x 2 user user 42 Jun 23 22:32 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 user user 59 Jun 23 22:32 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 90 Jun 23 22:32 function.py
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 97 Jun 23 22:32 meta.yaml

Run the function

>>> npkn run

Function: tell-time | Workspace: default
{'body': 'hello, world!', 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/html'}, 'logs': [], 'returnValue': 0, 'statusCode': 200, 'status_code': 200}

Update function code and re-run


from napkin import response
from datetime import datetime

response.body = f"The current time is {datetime.now()}"
>>> npkn run

Function: tell-time | Workspace: default
Syncing code ✅
{'body': 'The current time is 2022-06-23 22:37:23.676056', 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/html'}, 'logs': [], 'returnValue': 0, 'statusCode': 200, 'status_code': 200}

Use 3rd party modules

To use modules from PyPI, list the function module requirements in your meta.yaml file. You can check which modules are available from the Napkin UI.


name: tell-time
runtime: python3.8
uid: <your user id>
workspace: <your workspace id>
 pytz: "*"

Update function code


from napkin import response
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone

tz = timezone("America/Costa_Rica")
current_tz_time = tz.localize(datetime.now())

response.body = f"The current time in Costa Rica is {current_tz_time}"

Run it again!

>>> npkn run

Function: tell-time | Workspace: default
Syncing code ✅
Syncing modules ✅
{'body': '"The current time in Costa Rica is 2022-06-23 23:00:26.558193-06:00"', 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/html'}, 'logs': [], 'returnValue': 0, 'statusCode': 200, 'status_code': 200}

Use Environment Variables

Add your environment variables to the env field of your meta.yaml file.


name: tell-time
runtime: python3.8
uid: <your user id>
workspace: <your workspace id>
 pytz: "*"
  TZ: America/Costa_Rica

Then use the environment variable as you normally would in your function. function.py

from napkin import response
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
import os

tz = timezone(os.getenv("TZ"))
current_tz_time = tz.localize(datetime.now())

response.body = f"The current time in Costa Rica is {current_tz_time}"

Running it again...

>>> npkn run

Function: tell-time | Workspace: default
Syncing code ✅
Syncing environment ✅
{'body': '"The current time in Costa Rica is 2022-06-23 23:02:26.5589233-06:00"', 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/html'}, 'logs': [], 'returnValue': 0, 'statusCode': 200, 'status_code': 200}

Deploying Code

When you're ready to deploy your code to your function's endpoint, just run npkn deploy.

>>> npkn deploy

Function: tell-time | Workspace: default
Deploying ✅

>>> curl https://my-account.npkn.net/tell-time
The current time in Costa Rica is 2022-06-23 23:08:27.104832-06:00

Public API

Under the hood, npkn-py uses Napkin's public REST API (currently in alpha and subject to changes) to interact with the Napkin platform. Official documentation for the public API remains under development; however, below is included a brief API reference to help users that wish to fork or contribute to this repo.

Host: https://api.napkin.io


The following headers should be set in the API request.

napkin-api-key: xxxxxx
napkin-user-uid: xxxxx

The values for the headers are the same as the account id and secret key that you use for the Napkin CLI.


Get user account object

GET /api/1/account


    "workspaces": [
            "members": [
                // ...
            "name": "xxx",
            "objects": {
                "xxxxxxxxx": {
                    "description": null,
                    "name": "testing2",
                    "path": "/",
                    "requireAuth": "0",
                    "runtime": "python3.8",
                    "type": "napkin",
                    "uid": "xxxxxxxxxx",
                    "version": "v1",
                    "visibility": "private"
                // ...
            "runtimes": {
                "nodejs14.x": "PROVISIONED",
                "python3.8": "PROVISIONED"
            "type": "PRO_TEAM",
            "uid": "xxxxxxxxx",
            "version": "v1"

Sync function modules

POST /api/1/sync/modules

Request Body

  "modules": {
    "requests": "*"
  "function_uid": "xxxxx"


  "success": true, 
  "modules": {
    "requests": "2.9.2"

Sync function environment variables

POST /api/1/sync/env

Request Body

  "env": {
    "MY_VAR": "hello"
  "function_uid": "xxxxx"


  "env": {
    "MY_VAR": "hello"

Sync function code (pre-deploy)

POST /api/1/sync/code

Request Body

  "code_str": "print(\"hello world\")\n",
  "function_uid": "xxxxx"


  "function": {
    // ...

Retrieve a function object

GET /api/1/function

Request Args



  "function": {
    // function properties
  "env": {
    "MY_VAR": "hello"

Create a new Napkin function

POST /api/1/new

Request Body

  "runtime": "python3.8",
  "workspace_id": "xxxxxx",
  "function_name": "my-new-function"


  "napkin": {
    // function properties
  "workspace": {
    // function workspace properties

Run a Napkin function using current, un-deployed code

POST /api/1/run

Request Body

  "uid": "functionUidXXX",
  "workspaceUid": "workspaceUid"


  "logs": [],
  "statusCode": 200,
  "status_code": 200, // duplicated for legacy reasons
  "headers": {},
  "body": {}

Deploy Napkin function code

POST /api/1/deploy

Request Body

  "uid": "functionUidXXX"


  "success": true