
creating aws infrastructure with terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform AWS Demo

This git repository contains infrastructure as code (terraform) to deploy a common architecture to AWS. It creates a public and private network, a bastion host to connect to your private instances and an expample application behind a loadbalancer. Additionally it creates resources to manage your terraform state remotly.


What we will build: aws-diagram


  • Terraform installed on machine
  • AWS account


I devided this project in 3 parts:

  1. create resources for statemanagement
  2. create resources for the base infrastructure
  3. create resources for an example application

In my demo AWS access_key and secret_key will be automatically loaded from ~/.aws/credentials since i have set that up previously.

1. Initialize for Remote Management of terraform state and state lock

Folder: 01-state-management

This folder contains files to create following ressources:

  • S3 Bucket for storing the terraform state files
  • DynamoDB for managing locks of terraform state files


cd 01-state-management
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
tf_state_region=$(terraform output -raw region)
tf_state_bucket=$(terraform output -raw s3_bucket)
tf_state_dynamodb_table=$(terraform output -raw dynamodb)

2. Creating infrastructure in AWS

Folder: 02-base-infrastructure

After initialization of the remote state management this folder contains files to create following resources:

  • VPC
  • 3 private networks (1 for each availability zone in given region)
  • 3 public networks (1 for each az as well)
  • Internet Gateway
  • Nat Gateway in each zone
  • Resilient Bastion Host in an autoscaling group
  • (Optional) A dns zone
cd 02-base-infrastructure
terraform init \
    -backend-config="bucket=$tf_state_bucket" \
    -backend-config="key=terraform-aws-demo.tfstate" \
    -backend-config="region=$tf_state_region" \
terraform plan
terraform apply

3. Create example app in AWS

Folder: 03-example-app

This creates 3 ec2 instances and a loadbalancer as an example. Optionally a DNS record can be created as well.

cd 03-example-app
terraform init \
    -backend-config="bucket=$tf_state_bucket" \
    -backend-config="key=terraform-aws-demo-app.tfstate" \
    -backend-config="region=$tf_state_region" \
terraform plan
terraform apply