Monitors Path of Exile's log file and emits events containing the most important data when something happens in game.
- AyronKPoland
- baev-os
- bjornwilliam
- burben51
- ChristopheHertigers
- Dainah-0xdeadc0de
- DeadlyCrushDeadlyCrush
- dimon222Canada
- eps1lonKlarna
- gabriel-dehanLe Wagon
- guilhermelimak
- hammypantsin a bucket at the end of time
- hexadeziGermany
- jezztifySingapore
- maxbruecklRegensburg
- omeg4
- petterannerwallBrite Payments
- RadicalDreamer-Code
- rogueyoshi@SectorXUSA
- sanghinFrance
- srlehn~
- SydneyNortmann
- thailynNew York
- travis-meadorAustin, TX
- undgLondon
- v0ku
- viktorgullmarkWehype
- WickedWeazel