Using `?` tags in `addPrefix` seems to drop all assets
Opened this issue · 7 comments
I might have discovered a bug. I first thought it might be related to my personal setup, which has become rather big, but this small test-bed has the same results:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var inject = require('gulp-inject');
gulp.task('default', function (cb) {
.pipe(inject(gulp.src(['test/*.{js,css}']), {
addRootSlash: false,
addPrefix: 'test'
.pipe(inject(gulp.src(['test/*.{js,css}']), {
addRootSlash: false,
addPrefix: '<?php echo stuff(); ?>'
Test HTML document:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- inject:css --><!-- endinject -->
<!-- inject:js --><!-- endinject -->
The first run will result in the files being injected as suspected, where the second run will not inject anything. Through trial & error, I managed to deduce that this problem occurs as soon as you insert a ?
into the prefix string.
Edit; In case this might help:
OS X 10.11.1
node v4.1.2
gulp v3.9.0
gulp-inject v3.0.0
This would be a great fix, the addPrefix
option is just perfect for php inserts!
My workaround for now is the transform
-option. In your case that would be
.pipe(inject(gulp.src(['test/*.{js,css}']), {
addRootSlash: false,
transform: function (filepath) {
return '<?php echo stuff(); ?>/' + filepath;
I put in a pull request for this, but it's super-specific to php-code in the prefix.
Tbh, that might not be a bad thing :)
@humancatfood It might not seem bad atm, but the code that fixed #71 and #107 are directly related to causing this issue. I also put out a PR for this, but my implementation needs a major version bump which might not be wanted by the package author.
Don't know if @klei has any opinions on where we should head from here?
If it helps anyone else, this is what I'm currently using for adding the prefix for the Wordpress template directory for css, js & html files. Thanks for the transform workaround @humancatfood! +1
return target.pipe(inject(sources, {
addRootSlash: false,
transform: function (filepath) {
var e = filepath.split('.').pop();
if (e === 'css') {
return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/' + filepath + '">';
} else if (e === 'js') {
return '<script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/' + filepath + '"></script>';
} else if (e === 'html') {
return '<link rel="import" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>' + filepath + '">';