
Carbon bootstrap scripts and genesis data.

Primary LanguageShell

Carbon Bootstrap

This repo collects the genesis and configuration files for the various Carbon testnets / mainnets. It exists so the main Carbon repo does not get bogged down with large genesis files and status updates. This repo also contains scripts which allow bootstrapping or upgrading validators into a Carbon network in various recommended configurations easily.

Network Status

Latest testnet: carbon-42071

Latest mainnet: carbon-1

Getting Started

To get started:

  1. Install your node binary
  2. Configure validator keys
  3. Start your node


Script installation

To quickly get started with the latest testnet / mainnet, run the following command to automatically set up all dependencies and a full node / validator node:

CHAIN_ID=carbon-1 # or carbon-42071 for testnet
MONIKER=mynode # choose a name for your node here
bash <(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Switcheo/carbon-bootstrap/master/scripts/setup.sh) -adlop CHAIN_ID MONIKER

Manual installation

For manual installation of nodes, please see INSTALL.md

Configure Validator Keys

If you're running a validator node, you'll need to create your validator key and a few mandatory operator keys (this is different from your Tendermint keys node_key / priv_validator_key.json) before running your node and subservices. If you're running a non-validating node, you can skip this section.

Automatic key creation

To install all required validator and subaccount keys directly on your validator node, run scripts/create-keys.sh:

bash <(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Switcheo/carbon-bootstrap/master/scripts/create-keys.sh)

You'll need to fund your accounts and then run a few more commands to link your validator subaccounts and promote your node to a validator. Follow all instructions printed from the output of the above script carefully.

Manual key creation

You can also create your operator keys on another node, such as a developer machine, for better security and access. Here's how to create the required keys manually:

Create validator
  1. On your validator node, get it's public key and note it down:

    carbond tendermint show-validator
  2. On the machine(s) that you wish to install your keys, download and install the appropriate release.

  3. Create your validator operator key and password:

    carbond keys add val --keyring-backend file -i
  4. Your validator address is:

    carbond keys show val -a --keyring-backend file
  5. You will need some Switcheo tokens to start your validator. You can get testnet tokens from the faucet.

  6. After receiving tokens, promote your node to a validator by running:

    carbond tx staking create-validator --amount 100000000000swth --commission-max-change-rate "0.025" --commission-max-rate "0.20" --commission-rate "0.05" --details "Some details about your validator" --from val --pubkey='PublicKeyFromStep1' --moniker "NameForYourValidator" --min-self-delegation "1" --fees 100000000swth --gas 300000 --chain-id <chain_id> --keyring-backend file
Create oracle subaccount key

All validators need to run a node (either the same node as the validator, or some other secondary node) that has the oracle service enabled.

  1. On your node that is running the oracle service, create the oracle key:

    # Secure the key with the same password you used during node setup!
    carbond keys add oracle --keyring-backend file -i

    ! Your oracle subservice needs access to your oracle wallet (hot wallet). Ensure that it is installed on the same node that is running the oracle subservice, and that the service has the right password for decrypting the wallet.

  2. Send some Switcheo tokens to your oracle wallet (mainnet), or get them from the faucet (testnet).

    # From validator walelt
    carbond tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount]
  3. After receiving tokens, initiate linking your oracle account as a subaccount of your validator by running this from a node that has access to your validator operator wallet.

    carbond tx subaccount create-sub-account <oracle_address> --from val --fees 100000000swth  --gas 300000 --chain-id <chain_id> --keyring-backend file -y
  4. Accept the link from a node that has access to the oracle account (i.e. oracle subservice node).

    carbond tx subaccount activate-sub-account <val_address> --from oracle --fees 100000000swth --gas 300000 --chain-id <chain_id> --keyring-backend file -y

    By running the oracle as a subaccount, your validator operator key can be secured without exposing it on a hot machine.

Create liquidator subaccount key

The steps for creating a liquidator is exactly the same as an oracle (replace oracle with liquidator). Liquidator incentives / penalties are not enabled yet, so validators can choose to run this subservice on an altrustic basis. Just one operator needs to run the liquidator for liquidations to execute correctly.

Starting Nodes

Once you have your required keys imported, you can now start the node.

The following command will start the carbon node itself, together with the oracle and liquidator services, which is required to be ran by validators.

sudo systemctl enable carbond
sudo service carbond start

Inspect the logs and make sure everything is working fine.

# Check that there are no errors:
tail -f /var/log/carbon/carbond*.err*
# Check that services are running:
tail -f /var/log/carbon/carbond*.out*

Stopping Nodes

To stop all services:

sudo systemctl stop carbond

To stop services individually:

sudo systemctl stop carbond@oracle
sudo systemctl stop carbond@liquidator

Minor Version Upgrades

To upgrade your node between non-consensus breaking versions (e.g. v2.1.0 to v2.1.1), stopping the node and swapping binaries is sufficient.

Ensure you have perl >5.30, you can check with perl -v.

Otherwise replace with MINOR=x.x.0. e.g. VERSION=2.1.1, MINOR=2.1.0.

# set the version / network to upgrade to here:
MINOR=$(perl -pe 's/(?<=\d\.\d{1,2}\.)\d{1,2}/0/g' <<< $VERSION)
FILE=carbond${VERSION}-${NETWORK}.linux-$(dpkg --print-architecture).tar.gz
wget https://github.com/Switcheo/carbon-bootstrap/releases/download/v${VERSION}/${FILE}
tar -xvf ${FILE}
rm ${FILE}
sudo service carbond stop
mv carbond ~/.carbon/cosmovisor/upgrades/v${MINOR}/bin/carbond
sudo service carbond start