
AES CMAC (rfc 4493) in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Hint for users of OTP >= 20

Since OTP 20 the AES-CMAC is in :crypto

You can simply use for example:

:crypto.cmac :"aes_cbc128", <<0x2b7e1516_28aed2a6_abf71588_09cf4f3c::128>>,<<0x6bc1bee2_2e409f96_e93d7e11_7393172a_ae2d8a57_1e03ac9c_9eb76fac_45af8e51_30c81c46_a35ce411::320>>

See in Erlang sources


Implementation of rfc4493 in elixir using :crypto from erlang for aes.

All tests from rfc4493 passing.

Aescmac.aes_cmac takes two binaries, the key and the message, where the key has to be 128bit

Usage example:

#  Aescmac.aes_cmac(key, message)
<<0x070a16b4_6b4d4144_f79bdd9d_d04a287c::128>> = Aescmac.aes_cmac(<<0x2b7e1516_28aed2a6_abf71588_09cf4f3c::128>>,<<0x6bc1bee2_2e409f96_e93d7e11_7393172a::128>>)


Docs can be found at hexdocs.pm.


Available in Hex, the package can be installed with:

  1. Add aescmac to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
    def deps do
      [{:aescmac, "~> 0.0.1"}]
  1. Ensure aescmac is started before your application:
    def application do
      [applications: [:aescmac]]