
Apache With PHP and fpm (FastCGI) on Ubuntu

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A template for a Docker image to run Apache with PHP and fpm (for FastCGI)

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. cd to the folder.
  3. ./build-me.sh
  4. ./start-me.sh


  • You MUST put the template in a folder whose name matches your image name.
    • My scripts assume the folder name matches the image name.
    • I have an unpublished 'start-all.sh' script in the parent folder, where all my containers live and it assumes the folder name matches the image name.
  • You must have Docker.

Series and Conventions

I (intend to) create(d) a library of Docker templates. They all have the same general form and reflect my personal standard for Docker images.

  • I try to put EVERYTHING related to the container under this folder -- programs, data, configuration, etc.
  • I prefer host-mode networking, for efficiency, but I sometimes use a Mac, where you have to use bridge mode. I try to make my Dockerfile and my docker-compose.yml support both flavors.
  • I'm biased in favor of Ubuntu and Apache because I'm familiar with them. Maybe someday I'll add Alpine-based images and nginx and friends but my time is more valuable than a few MB of disk or CPU cycles.


  • Create a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml so I can use docker-compose.

  • Always put ports in the docker-compose.yml even if using host network mode. It documents what I'm doing and it makes it work if I move it to Macbook where I must use bridged mode.

  • Put EXPOSE in the Dockerfile even if using host network mode. It documents what I'm doing and it makes it work if I move it to Macbook where I must use bridged mode.

  • Put both of these in the docker-compose.yml, to ease movement between Linux and Mac. (Comment-out one.)

    • network_mode: bridge # MUST un-comment this line on Mac. MAY un-comment on Linux.
    • #network_mode: host # MAY use host networking on Linux for better performance.
  • Note: On a Macbook, using Docker Desktop or newer, you can talk to container ports via 'localhost' if you do all of these:

    • put EXPOSE in the Dockerfile
    • put the port map in dockerfile.yml (e.g. ports:"80:80")
    • use network_mode: bridge


  • build-me.sh - script for building the image
  • start-me.sh - script to launch a container
  • run-me.sh - just like start-me.sh, except it does not detatch (i.e. It runs in the foreground, not the background.)
  • stop-me.sh - script to kill a running container
  • bash-me.sh - script to open a bash shell in the container
  • restart-me.sh - stops and starts the container
  • truncate-me.sh - truncates the Docker log for the container


  • bin - mounts as /container/bin in the container. Scripts to be run in the container. Typically has container-rc.sh, which is launched at container start-up.
  • conf - configuration files which are either copied to the container or mounted in the container.
  • data - data for the running image.
  • log - log files from within the container get written here. This is more convenient than having to open a shell within the container to read the logs.

This Container

  • Add ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php)$ fcgi://$1 to the sites-available/sitename.conf file
  • Install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.2 php7.2-fpm
  • a2enmod proxy_fcgi
  • edit /etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/www.conf to change the 'listen' to use a TCP socket (because I couldn't get it to work with a Unix domain socket)
  • Create an index.php to display phpinfo
  • service php7.2-fpm start
  • apachectl start



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details