
Using ML for audio source separation. Specifically vocal isolation from song files. See README.md

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Vocal Isolation from Music Using Fourier Transforms and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in Tensorflow

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Max Kleinsasser

alt text


This repository contains a convolutional u-net model based on this paper from Spotify and the University of London in 2017. The model takes the magnitude spectrograms of songs containing a mixture of vocals and accompaniment and returns a spectrogram of the same song stripped of its accompaniment, leaving only the vocals. I built this model as part of a larger personal project of mine and want to share my experience to perhaps aid others in their own implementation.


The data this model was trained on is from the musdb18hq dataset. The paper whose methodology is used in this project uses a separate dataset from files (about 20,000 song stems) mined from the commercial sources. I was able to acheive acceptable results from the 100 song stems from musdb. Use the link to request access to the dataset.

Data Pre-processing

The model used in this project is trained on magnitude spectrograms of .wav files containing song mixtures (vocals + instruments) and vocal-only. To achieve this I split the raw files into ~11.8 second patches and used the short-time fourier transform (stft) function from the python package librosa to aquire the magnitude spectrograms along with the phase matrices (for later signal reconstruction). The stft function computes a complex-valued matrix in the time-frequency domain corresponding to the input signal, the magnitude spectrogram is computed by taking the absolute value of this matrix. I used the same stft configurations as the paper. The shape of the inputs and outputs of the training set after pre-processing were (1963, 512, 128, 1) -> (n_samples, n_frequency_bins, n_time_steps, n_image_channels).

The Model

The model is a convolutional neural network based on the u-net architecture as explained in the reference paper. It has 6 downsampling convolutional layers and 6 upsampling deconvolutional layers. The network uses batch normalization on every layer and a ReLU activation (except for the last upsampling layer, which has a sigmoid activation). Each upsampling layer is also concatenated with its shape-corresponding downsampling layer. The goal of the network is to learn a mask that when multiplied by the input spectrogram, yeilds the spectrogram of the vocal-only or target spectrogram. The paper uses the L1 norm as a loss function, I used the extremely similar loss: mean absolute error. The model is trained with the Adam optimizer with parameter 0.001.

I built this model using a tf.keras.Model, which has all of the benefits of a keras Sequential model (built-in losses, optimizers, and training loops) while allowing for the non-sequential skip connections present in the u-net architecture. I trained the model on my Macbook Pro, which has a 3.5 GHz Dual-Core Intel i7 processor and 16GB RAM for 30 epochs, training took ~1.5 hours. For reference, the final MAE settled around (training: 0.1, validation: 0.115, testing: 0.125), but given the subjective nature of the task results are best measured with ears.

(See model_graph.png for the model graph, too long to include here)

Signal Reconstruction

The model is trained exclusively on magnitude spectrogram data, reconstructing a signal from a stft requires both the magnitude information and the phase information. Given the predicted magnitude spectrogram M and the phase information matrix of the input P, the final signal is reconstructed using librosa.istft(M * P). Using the phase information from the input to construct the output seems to work fairly well qualitatively.

Some Results

Some examples of the model's performance, ordered by my preference toward each (note: the audio is downsampled to 8192Hz for processing speed and reconstructed from a spectrogram, so the audio quality is quite horrible, I will be making a higher-quality-audio rendition of this model in the future):

Example 4: alt text Link to Audio Files

Example 2: alt text Link to Audio Files

Example 3: alt text Link to Audio Files

Example 1: alt text Link to Audio Files


Paper this project was a reproduction of: https://ejhumphrey.com/assets/pdf/jansson2017singing.pdf (Authors: Andreas Jansson, Eric Humphrey, Nicola Montecchio, Rachel Bittner, Aparna Kumar, Tillman Weyde)

musdb18hq Dataset: https://sigsep.github.io/datasets/musdb.html

librosa Python Audio Processing Library: https://librosa.org

TensorFlow home page: https://www.tensorflow.org