
Tools to make Peewee work when using Asyncio

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The package is deprecated. Please use peewee-aio instead.


aio-peewee -- Peewee support for async frameworks (Asyncio, Trio, Curio)

Tests Status PYPI Version Python Versions
The library doesn't make peewee work async, but allows you to use Peewee with your asyncio based libraries correctly.
  • Tasks Safety. The library tracks of the connection state using Task-local storage, making the Peewee Database object safe to use with multiple tasks inside a loop.
  • Async management of connections for Peewee Connections Pool
  • python >= 3.8

aio-peewee should be installed using pip:

pip install aio-peewee
from aiopeewee import db_url

db = db_url.connect('postgres+async://locahost:5432/database')

async def main(id=1):
    async with db:
        item = Model.get(Model.id == 1)

    return item.name
from aiopeewee import PostgresqlDatabaseAsync, SqliteDatabaseAsync, MySQLDatabaseAsync, CockroachDatabaseAsync

 db = PostgresqlDatabaseAsync('my_app', user='app', password='db_password', host='', port=3306)
# Manual
async def main():
     await db.connect_async()
     # ...
     await db.close_async()

 # Context manager
async def main():
     async with db:
         # ...
from aiopeewee import PooledPostgresqlDatabaseAsync, PooledSqliteDatabaseAsync, PooledMySQLDatabaseAsync, PooledCockroachDatabaseAsync

db = PooledPostgresqlDatabaseAsync('my_database', max_connections=8, stale_timeout=300, user='postgres')
from aiopeewee import db_url

 db0 = db_url.connect('cockroachdb+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db1 = db_url.connect('cockroachdb+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db2 = db_url.connect('mysql+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db3 = db_url.connect('mysql+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db4 = db_url.connect('postgres+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db5 = db_url.connect('postgres+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db6 = db_url.connect('sqlite+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db7 = db_url.connect('sqlite+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db8 = db_url.connect('sqliteexc+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
 db9 = db_url.connect('sqliteexc+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
import datetime as dt

from asgi_tools import App
from aiopeewee import PeeweeASGIPlugin
import peewee as pw

db = PeeweeASGIPlugin(url='sqlite+async:///db.sqlite')

class Visit(pw.Model):
    created = pw.DateTimeField(default=dt.datetime.utcnow())
    address = pw.CharField()


app = App()

async def visits_json(request):
    """Store the visit and load latest 10 visits."""
    return [{
        'id': v.id, 'address': v.address, 'timestamp': round(v.created.timestamp()),
    } for v in Visit.select().order_by(Visit.id.desc()).limit(10)]

app = db.middleware(app)

aio-peewee uses contextvars to store db connections. So you have to enable contextvars for Curio: https://curio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto.html#how-do-you-use-contextvars

If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at https://github.com/klen/aio-peewee/issues

Development of the project happens at: https://github.com/klen/aio-peewee

Licensed under a MIT license.