
BST interface project

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Installation Instructions

System dependencies

Klepsydra dependencies

  • kpsr-core with YAML support (and State Machine)
  • kpsr-robotics


Given $KLEPSYDRA_HOME, for example $HOME/klepsydra:

git clone https://github.com/klepsydra-technologies/kpsr-bst.git
cd kpsr-bst
git submodule update --init
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
sudo make install

This will install the klespydra bst in


The install location can be controlled using the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable.

The cmake has the following options:

  • -DKPSR_WITH_DDS=true for building the DDS binding
  • -DKPSR_WITH_ZMQ=true for building the ZeroMQ binding.
  • -DBST_SDK_HOME. Location of BST sdk repo. E.g. if the BST repo is installed in $HOME/development/swiftpilot/sdk.
  • -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH for the Pistache install path (pistache/build) Example:
cmake -DKPSR_WITH_ZMQ=true -DBST_SDK_HOME=$HOME/development/swiftpilot/sdk ..


The BST SDK is assumed to be compiled and installed using the make_all.sh script provided in the repo.

Installation packages.

Besides the API libraries for the use of KPSR-BST, several executables are included in this repo:

In memory Eventloop client server. Example of use:

cd build
./bin/kpsr_mem_bst_client_server_el -f ./../bst_client_server/modules/mem_mdlw/conf/bst_mem_el_client_server.yaml

ZMQ Executables: BST server, client and proxy:

./bin/kpsr_zmq_bst_server -f ./../bst_client_server/modules/zmq_mdlw/conf/bst_zmq_server.yaml
./bin/kpsr_zmq_bst_client -f ./../bst_client_server/modules/zmq_mdlw/conf/bst_zmq_client.yaml
./bin/kpsr_zmq_bst_proxy -f ./../bst_client_server/modules/zmq_mdlw/conf/bst_zmq_proxy_server.yaml


Documentation generation

make doc

Location of documentation

The last built documentation is available in Klepsydra BST API DOC


© 2023 Klepsydra Technologies AG, all rights reserved. Licensed under the terms in LICENSE.md

This software and documentation are 2023 Klepsydra Technologies AG Limited and its licensees. All rights reserved. See license file for full copyright notice and license terms.


https://www.klepsydra.com support@klepsydra.com