
fu stands for File to URL, a utility design to help you upload images/files and produce Markdown/HTML snippets with couple of clicks.

Primary LanguageC++

File to URL



fu stands for File to URL, a utility design to help you upload images/files and produce Markdown/HTML snippets with couple of clicks.


  • Upload Raw Image Data or Files from Clipboard to server
  • Multiple files to multiple servers with one click
  • Upload to your own FTP/SFTP, or your NAS through LocalStorage protocol
  • Upload to public image hosting service like imgur.com and qiniu.com
  • Compress image before upload
  • Adding wartermark for image
  • Customizable output format, HTML/Markdown/Raw or whatever plain-text format you like
  • Copy output from History records
  • Manage history by tagging
  • Search history clips by similarity (base on pHash)
  • Easy to backup/restore your data
  • i18n support


Go to releases page download archive according to your OS.


Download the .7z file from releases page. extract to whereever you want.

If you want it to be launched at login, please make a shortcut in your Startup folder.


currently unavailable


currently unavailable

Build Dependencies

  • Qt5
  • libqcurl
  • qt-phash

Build on Windows (Qt 5.13.2)

Tested on Windows 10 with Qt 5.13.2, higher version may not work.

  1. Create working directory mkdir fu2
  2. Create dependencies directory mkdir fu2\deps
  3. Download libqcurl binaries from https://github.com/klesh/libqcurl/releases/tag/v1.0.0 and extract them to fu2\deps\i386\release and fu2\deps\x86_64\release accordingly
  4. Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/klesh/fu.git fu2\fu
  5. Launch Qt Creator and open fu2\fu\fu.pro, select both Desktop Qt 5.13.2 MinGW 32-bit and Desktop Qt 5.13.2 MinGW 64-bit kits
  6. For each release configuration of each kits, add a building step Make with install as Make arugments
  7. Select target Kit/Build (computer-like icon on the bottom left corner), then press Ctrl-B to build.
  8. Open Qt 5.13.2 (MinGW xxx 32-bit)(or 64-bit) command prompt accordingly and go to fu2\builds\fu-gcc-i386-release-vx.x.x (or x86_64) and run windeployqt .


Q: How to add imgur.com?

A: go to http://api.imgur.com/ register an application, you will receive a Client-ID, then you can create a imgur.com entry in Preferences. You may have to setup proxy field if you run into a "blocked by imgur.com " error.

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