
Primary LanguageVHDL


Intro: The Klessydra processing core family is a set of processors featuring full compliance with RISC-V, and pin-to-pin compatible with the PULPino Riscy cores. Klessydra-T is a bare-metal 32-bit processor fully supporting the RV32IM from the RISC-V ISA, and one instruction from the Atomic "A" extension. 'T1' further extends the instruction set with a set of custom vector instructions.

Architecture: dfT03 is a Fault Tolerant Implementation of the Klesydra-T13x core, which uses IMT to achieve temporal and partially-spatial and temporal redundancy. dfT03 is made from the Buffered-TMR fT03 [1], an interleaved fault tolerant multithreaded processor (Aka, barrel processor) which interleaves three hardware threads (harts) each one with it's own registerfile, CSR-unit, and program counter with fault tolerant features, updated with the Morph paradigm where each hardware threads (harts) can be switched on or off one in case of wfi instructions.

Since having triple redundancy is not always necessary is possible to get a DMR system starting from Klessydra-fT03 turning off one of the three threads and make the system work in Buffered DMR mode. Considering Klessydra-fT03 as the baseline processor, we use three hardware threads, numbered Thread 2, Thread 1, and Thread 0, and we leave only threads 2 and 1 active while turning off Thread 0, which we call the auxiliary thread, activating it only in case of fault detection. From these ideas born the Dynamic TMR principle, as we can dynamically add TMR redundancy only when a fault occurs, dynamically switching from DMR to TMR in the event of faults [2].

Regarding the DMR and lock-step approaches, the core is better or comparable to that in literature in terms of resilience, hardware overhead and timing degradation. The proposed technique has an 98,6% in fault mitigation and only four cycles in roll-back overhead with no checkpointing redundancy.

The dfT03 doesn't support the vector accelerator present in the fT13, T13 and S1 until now.

-[1] Design and Evaluation of Buffered Triple Modular Redundancy in Interleaved-Multi-Threading Processors

-[2] Evaluation of Dynamic Triple Modular Redundancy in an Interleaved-Multi-Threading RISC-V Core

Merging dfT03 User Guide

This guide explains how one can download and install Pulpino, and it's modified version of the riscv-gnu toolchain. It also demonstrates how to patch the offcial riscv-toolchain in order to add the klessydra custom vector extensions. And then it shows how you can easily merge the Klessydra-Core with the Pulpino project.


  • Prerequisites as indicated by the pulpino group
    • ModelSim in reasonably recent version (we tested it with versions 10.2c)

    • CMake >= 2.8.0, versions greater than 3.1.0 recommended due to support for ninja

    • riscv-toolchain, there are two choices for getting the toolchain:

      1. RECOMENDED OPTION: Use the custom version of the RISC-V toolchain from ETH. The ETH versions supports all the ISA extensions that were incorporated into the RI5CY core as well as the reduced base instruction set for zero-riscy. " https://github.com/pulp-platform/ri5cy_gnu_toolchain.git "

      2. Or download the official RISC-V toolchain supported by Berkeley. " https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain "

      Please make sure you are using the newlib version of the toolchain.

    • python2 >= 2.6


  • IF you already have pulpino and their own version of the riscv-toolchain, then skip ahead to step.4


  1. Install the following packeges:

    sudo apt-get install git cmake python-yaml tcsh autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev
  2. Download and build the "ri5cy_gnu_toolchain"

    a) git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/ri5cy_gnu_toolchain.git
    b) cd ri5cy_gnu_toolchain
    c) make ZERORISCY=1
    d) in case you need to build for RISCY cores, then just do "make" instead, and then add the symbolic links as shown from step 4.

    When the build is done, add the path <path_to_toolchain>/ri5cy_gnu_toolchain/install/bin to the environmental variables

  3. Download the PULPino suite:

    a) git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulpino.git
    b) cd pulpino
    c) ./update-ips.py	
  4. If you want to run the klessydra specific tests, you have to download and patch the official riscv-toolchain, and then build it. Instructions for doing so are included in the README.md file inside the folder called "toolchain_files".

  5. To merge the Klessydra core, and tests:

    a) git clone https://github.com/klessydra/dfT13x.git
    b) cd dfT13
    c) ./runMErge.sh <pulpino_path>
  6. OPTIONAL: After merging is done, this is how you will be able to test Klessydra-ft1-3th. -Open a terminal and navigate to "sw" folder inside pulpino and execute the following commands

    a) e.g. mkdir build
    b) cp cmake_configure.klessydra-dft1-m.gcc.sh build/
    c) cd build
    d) ./cmake_configure.klessydra-dft1-m.gcc.sh
       (Execute the above script twice if you ever change the variable that changes the riscv-compiler, since changing the compiler flushes the values of the variables in the cmake cache and gives an error. Executing the script for a second time after changing the riscv-compiler will let the variables be redfined again)
    e) make vcompile
    For running Klessydra tests; the variable "USE_KLESSYDRA_TEST" in the above shell file is set to '1' by default. You only need to build and run your test
    f) (e.g.  make vect_sum_single_funct_call_all_test_perf.vsimc)
    General tests for all "fTxx" versions of Klessydra are also available
    g) (e.g.  make barrier_test.vsimc)
    h) You can run one of the PULPino native tests,  (e.g. make testALU.vsimc)

    IT"S DONE!!!!!!

Supplimentary Information:

  1. In order to run tests in Modelsim, go to the build folder and do the following: make nameofthetest.vsim (or .vsimc to run a test without modelsim GUI)

  2. Klessydra-dfT03 libraries are available, and their function is described in the software runtime manual fuond in the Docs folder

Hope you like it :D