
First presented at Cisco Live! Las Vegas 2016 BRKEWN-3000

MIT LicenseMIT

Real-time RSSI & SNR Graph from AP perspective

First presented at Cisco Live! Las Vegas 2016 [BRKEWN-3000] (https://www.ciscolive.com/online/connect/sessionDetail.ww?SESSION_ID=90808&backBtn=true)


This project uses debug command output from the AP command line to generate a near real-time graph of the client's RSSI & SNR from the AP's perspective.


  • The ap_debug_Rcv.expect script should never be run against a production access point; The debug commands enabled by this script WILL degrade performance.



  1. Extract source code files into a folder
  2. Edit ap_debug_Rcv.expect and replace ##AP_Username## and ##AP_Password## with your AP username and password, respectively
  3. Ensure SSH access is enabled on the access point from the WLC GUI


  1. Start the live feed to elasticsearch with the command
./ap_debug_Rcv.expect <AP IP Address> | logstash -f ap_debug_RCV_logstash-pipeline.conf
  1. From the Kibana GUI add a new line chart Visualization for a new search
  2. Create a Y-axis with Aggregation:Average Field:rssi Label:RSSI
  3. Create a Y-axis with Aggregation:Average Field:snr Label:SNR
  4. Set the X-axis to Aggregation:Date Histogram Field:@timestamp Interval:Second
  5. In the top right of the screen, set the time period to Relative: From: 5 minutes ago To: now
  6. Also in the top right, set the refresh period to every 5 seconds
  7. Enter the Last-6 of the Client MAC Address into the search field and start the search
  8. Observe!


This script was tested with:

  • OS X El Capitan Ver. 10.11.5
  • AP model

  • WLC Version

  • Expect v5.45
  • Elasticsearch v2.3.3
  • Logstash v2.3.3
  • Kibana v4.5.1