The structure of this Learning module is below. A "(labs/xyz-jp)" in the doc is a target lab.

An introduction to Cisco Spark API

We learn about how to construct the attractive user experience on Cisco Collaboration Platform. This lab demonstrates how to automate the Cisco Spark, acts as an interactive assistant or make an application which works instead of the other user.

  • 3 modules
  • 10 learning labs
  • 4hours

Cisco Spark API 101

Cisco Spark API supports automation of making rooms, making Spark Bots, embedding the user experience. This module doesn't have any relationship with the certain programming languages. The hands on labs use Cisco Spark interactive document and Postman.

  • Indroduction of Cisco Spark

    Overview of Cisco Spark extensibility, covering capabilities, use-cases, and the various type of Spark integrations/apps

  • Experiment Audio/Video Calling & Messaging with Cisco Spark Widgets

    In this lab, you’ll learn more about the Cisco Spark SDKs and Widgets capabilities, and experience these through live demos.

  • Making Spark rooms, adding participants, posting messages (labs/collab-spark-message-jp)
    Invoke the Cisco Spark REST API from the Postman REST client to create spaces, add participants and post messages

  • Making Cisco Spark Webhook

    Make Webhooks which subscribe new messages and receive real-time Webhooks event data from Spark.

  • Understanding the OAuth Flow of a Cisco Spark Integration

    Register a new custom Spark 'integration' type application with Cisco. Learn how to authenticate with the Spark OAuth2 API from a browser-based JavaScript application

Create Your Own Cisco Spark Apps

If you want to make your own bot and integration immediately, this module which provides Java Scripts guidance is useful alongside with examples you can use shortly. It is available to use the concept with the other programming language.

  • Run a Cisco Spark Bot locally (labs/collab-spark-botl-ngrok-jp)
    Launch a NodeJS bot example on your local machine and register it as a Cisco Spark Bot.

  • Run a Cisco Spark Bot from a Web IDE (labs/collab-spark-botd-cloud9-jp)
    Learn to run a NodeJS bot example from Cloud9 and register it at as Cisco Spark Bot.

  • Run a Cisco Spark Integration locally (labs/collab-spark-intl-jp)
    Start a nodejs example on the local machine, and register it as a Cisco Spark Integration.

  • Deploy a Cisco Spark Integration (labs/collab-spark-intd-heroku-jp)
    Learn to deploy a nodejs example on Heroku, and register it as an Cisco Spark Integration.

Extend Cisco Spark with 3rd Party Service

Learn how to automate and extend the Cisco Spark without almost any knowledge related to coding. Select a learning lab from the third-party integrated services presented.

  • Create a 'No-Code' Spark App with Zapier (labs/collab-spark-zapier-jp)
    Create a simple app to retrieve Twitter messsages into Spark using the Zapier cloud API platform