
Pub quiz tool for live remote games

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Throwaway project to setup remote 'pub-quizes' for quarantine.

Using static, light client (no transpiling). KnockoutJr & DurandalJs and BootstrapV3.

Feeling nostalgic.

NodeJS with socket.io just for fun, again only in Vanilla JS.


  • NodeJs w/ npm

    (Build on v11.6.0 so can't speak to earlier versions)


NodeJS will self host if needed. However client folder is static so can be hosted anywhere. Just be sure to update the common/config.js file for domain/hosts & ports. WebSocket will always run through NodeJs' Socket.io module.

npm install && node main

By default, node will host the static content of client/ on the address : http://{config.host}:6969


Probably dont need to mention, but useful tools indlude:

  • VSCode/Sublime/Atom - whatever editor you like.
  • nodemon - usefull for reloading on changes, as this is vanilla JS there is no transpile so it's nice.
    • npm install -g nodemon - Then run your node with nodemon script instead of node script
  • JSLint - Usefull for the IDE you're on, but again, with JS Vanilla being Duck typing, it's more useful for formatting and testing.

Note :

There is a static Websocket connection string in the client/app area. Please be sure to update this to your nodeJs websocket location.

Also: This is very much WIP.


  • Would like to add WebRTC to the rooms for Video & audio sharing.
  • Implement rooms properly for WebSockets so broadcasts are not polluted.
  • SSL implementation accross Websocket.
  • Score calculator & results control in Admin area


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests where appropriate.
