
Web visualization dashboard comparing weather data from different latitudes

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Web Visualization Dashboard (Latitude)

Project Overview

This "Latitude with Attitude" dashboard uses data from a previous assignment (https://github.com/klharp/Python-API-WeatherPy-VacationPy). Specifically, weather data was used.

Languages and libraries used:

  • HTML
  • CSS

Site can be viewed on Github pages here: https://klharp.github.io/Web-Visualization-Dashboard/

Website Requirements

For reference, see the "Screenshots" section below.

The website must consist of 7 pages total, including:

  • A landing page that contains:

    • An explanation of the project.
    • Links to each visualizations page. There should be a sidebar containing preview images of each plot, and clicking an image should take the user to that visualization.
  • Four visualization pages, each with:

    • A descriptive title and heading tag.
    • The plot/visualization itself for the selected comparison.
    • A paragraph describing the plot and its significance.
    • The ability to navigate between the four pages.
    • Each of these pages are accessible from the dropdown in the navigation menu.
  • A "Comparisons" page that:

    • Contains all of the visualizations on the same page to compare.
    • Used a Bootstrap grid for the visualizations.
    • Linked to the individual visualization pages.
    • Linked to open the graphic in a separate window.
  • A "Data" page that displays a responsive table containing the data used in the visualizations.

  • An "About" page that provides information about Kerry Harp

  • A navigation bar that includes site title and navigation elements, including a drop-down menu.

  • A footer that provides information page links and contact information


This section contains screenshots of each page that must be built, at varying screen widths. These are a guide; you can meet the requirements without having the pages look exactly like the below images.

Landing page

Large screen:

Landing page large screen

Small screen:

Landing page small screen

Comparisons page

Large screen:

comparison page large screen

Small screen:

comparison page small screen

Data page

Large screen:

data page large screen

Small screen:

data page small screen

Visualization pages

You'll build four of these, one for each visualization. Here's an example of one:

Large screen:

temperature page large screen

humidity page large screen

cloudiness page large screen

wind page large screen

Small screen:

temperature page small screen

humidity page small screen

cloudiness page small screen

wind page small screen

About page

Large screen:

about page large screen

Small screen:

about page small screen

Navigation Bar

Large screen: nav menu large screen

Small screen: nav menu small screen


Large screen: footer large screen

Small screen: footer small screen