
Nubis Deployment for bugzilla.mozilla.org

Primary LanguagePerlMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This is a nubis deployment repository for BMO (bugzilla.mozilla.org)


If you are new to the Nubisproject you will need to set up some prerequisites.

Get the code

Next grab the latest release, extract it and copy the nubis directory into your code base. You also need to add nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json to your .gitignore file. See the project .gitignore file for an example.

Build the project

This step is only necessary if you have changes, otherwise you can simply configure the deployment using an ami id from the following list:

Region AMI Id
us-west-2 ami-bf43408f
us-east-1 ami-c35e96a8

If you run nubis-builder it will output an ami id for you to use.

nubis-builder build

Configure the deployment

Create a nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json file by copying the parameters.json-dist file and editing the parameter values. More detailed instructions can be found here.

cp nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json-dist nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json
vi nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json

Deploy the stack

You are now ready to deploy your stack. Be sure to replace "YOUR_NAME" with a unique stack name. You can find more detailed instructions here.

aws cloudformation create-stack --template-body file://nubis/cloudformation/main.json --parameters file://nubis/cloudformation/parameters.json --stack-name YOUR-STACK

Confd settings

These are the settings that are not set automatically and can be optionally set in Consul under ////

  • BitlyToken
  • GitHubClientID
  • GitHubClientSecret
  • HoneyPotAPIKey
  • InboundProxies
  • ShadowDBName
  • ShadowDBHost
  • ShadowDBPort
  • SSLRedirect
  • LDAPCheck/
  • LDAPServer (pm-ns.mozilla.org)
  • LDAPSCheme (ldap)
  • LDAPUser (uid=bind-bmo,ou=logins,dc=mozilla)
  • LDAPPassword
  • BugzillaAPIKey
  • SMTP/
  • Debug (0)
  • SESServer
  • SESUser
  • SESPassword