
Autogenerative Message showing authors and contributors in web console, by retrieving the data from the packages.json file of your project made in webpack / rollup.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Credits-log | Vite / Rollup plugin | so as not to leave the creators in a drawer of oblivion

MIT license npm


"Credits-Log is a module for Rollup. When doing a "Build" it adds a small part of the code that shows the credits of creators in the console of the "FrontEnd" for example in Chrome, Firefox, IE or Safari.

It contains a CLI application from which you can add, remove or edit data to be displayed. The message can have several lines and/or Logo in "ASCII".


Installation process:

  1. run npm i credits-log -G for global installation of the CLI tool.
  2. run npm i credits-log --save-dev to integrate into your project
  3. run credits-log --help to see the commands
  4. in your project you just have to edit the vite.config.js file.
import creditslog from "credits-log"

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [

Modifications that will be applied to your "Package.json" file: Read attributes from your package.json file:

  • name: "" (Optional)
  • projectName: "Name of your project"
  • version: "0.0.1"
  • "author": "Anthony Sychev <hello at dm211 dot com> https://dm211.com | https://twooneone.xyz",
  • "author": ["Anthony Sychev <hello at dm211 dot com> https://dm211.com | https://twooneone.xyz", "..."],
  • "contributors": [ "name <email> (https://webpage)", ... ]
  • license: "MIT"
  • credits: []


For preview all help options run credits-log --help

  • --install: Interactive installation step by step.
  • --uninstall: This option remove from your file next parameters: projectName, credits.
  • --check: It's show result of your configuration.


In this sites you can create your custom ASCII logotypes

like this:

▀█▀ █░█░█ █▀█   █▀█ █▄░█ █▀▀   █▀█ █▄░█ █▀▀
░█░ ▀▄▀▄▀ █▄█   █▄█ █░▀█ ██▄   █▄█ █░▀█ ██▄
            -@@@:       =%@@%+                 
            @@@#      =@@@@@@+                
            -@@@#     :@@@@@@-                
             -@@@@+.    =++=.                 
                    -@@@:  .@@@=              
                    -@@@:  .@@@=              
                    -@@@:  .@@@=              
                    -@@@:  .@@@=              
                    -@@@:  .@@@=   
            Thank you for use [CREDITS-LOG] 



NPM Publish

NPM publish command: npm publish --access=public ./