
Making it easy to create interactive command line scripts in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interactive CLI for Node.js

The Interactive CLI is a library that makes it easy to create interactive command line scripts in Node.js by utilizing promises.

npm version


Using npm:

npm i --save interactive-cli

Example interaction:

$ node examples/basic-usage.js --example

Would you like to
a) Create a new user
b) Delete a user
q) Quit
?:  a

Enter user's email
email:  leonaro@dicaprio.com

What's the name for the user
firstname:  Leonardo
lastname:  DiCaprio
User Leonardo DiCaprio was created successfully!


Would you like to
a) Create a new user
b) Delete a user
q) Quit
?:  b

Which user would you like to delete?
a) Leonardo DiCaprio
b) Jennifer Lopez
q) Quit
?:  b

Are you absolutely sure?
continue? (y/n):  y
User Jennifer Lopez was successfully deleted!


Would you like to
a) Create a new user
b) Delete a user
q) Quit
?:  q

The Gist

const { promptFields, promptToContinue, promptOptions, startWith, onFinalError, exit, DontContinue } = require('../')

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // Do some preparation, such as getting
  // a reference to a database or authenticating
    createUser: () => Promise.resolve(),
    listUsers: () =>
        '31725276-73a9-4830-aa77-a86fce4dd7f8': 'Leonardo DiCaprio',
        '53bd3330-4bd7-47c5-a685-f1039e043eae': 'Jennifer Lopez',
    deleteUser: () => Promise.resolve(),
  .then((api) => {
    const initialOptions = {
      createUser: 'Create a new user',
      deleteUser: 'Delete a user',
    const handler = (selection) => {
      switch (selection) {
        case 'createUser':
          return createUser(api)

        case 'deleteUser':
          return deleteUser(api)

        default: {
          throw new ExitScript(`Unknown selection "${selection}"`)

    return startWith('Would you like to', initialOptions, handler)

function createUser(api) {
  const user = {}
  return promptFields("Enter user's email", 'email')
    .then((email) => {
      user.email = email

    .then(() => promptFields("What's the name for the user", ['firstname', 'lastname']))
    .then((res) => {
      user.firstname = res.firstname
      user.lastname = res.lastname

    .then(() => {
      return api.createUser(user).catch((err) => {
        throw DontContinue('User could not be created because of error: ' + err.message)

    .then(() => {
      console.log(`User ${user.firstname} ${user.lastname} was created successfully!`)

function deleteUser(api) {
  const data = {}
  return api
    .then((users) => {
      data.users = users
      return users
    .then((users) => promptOptions('Which user would you like to delete?', users))
    .then((selection) => {
      data.selection = selection
      return selection
    .then((selection) => {
      console.log('\n' + 'Are you absolutely sure?')
      return promptToContinue(selection)
    .then((selection) => {
    .then(() => {
      console.log(`User ${data.users[data.selection]} was successfully deleted!`)
