
Test repo for https://github.com/statamic/cms/issues/5278

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Installation instructions

  1. run composer install
  2. run php please make:user
  3. run npm i && npm run watch (or npm run dev)

Environment file contents


Dump your .env values here with sensitive data removed.


Dump your .env values here with sensitive data removed.

NGINX config

Add the following to your NGINX config inside the server block enable static resource caching:

expires $expires;

And this outside the server block:

map $sent_http_content_type $expires {
    default    off;
    text/css    max;
    ~image/    max;
    application/javascript    max;
    application/octet-stream    max;

Deploy script Ploi

if [[ {COMMIT_MESSAGE} =~ "[BOT]" ]]; then
    echo "Automatically committed on production. Nothing to deploy."
    # Uncomment the following line when using zero downtime deployments.
    exit 0

git pull origin main
composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader

npm ci
npm run production
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan cache:clear
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan config:cache
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan route:cache
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan statamic:stache:warm
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan queue:restart
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan statamic:search:update --all
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan statamic:static:clear
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan statamic:static:warm
php{SITE_PHP_VERSION} artisan statamic:assets:generate-presets --queue


echo "🚀 Application deployed!"

Deploy script Forge

if [[ $FORGE_DEPLOY_MESSAGE =~ "[BOT]" ]]; then
    echo "Automatically committed on production. Nothing to deploy."
    exit 0

git pull origin main
$FORGE_COMPOSER install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader

npm ci
npm run production
$FORGE_PHP artisan cache:clear
$FORGE_PHP artisan config:cache
$FORGE_PHP artisan route:cache
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:stache:warm
$FORGE_PHP artisan queue:restart
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:search:update --all
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:static:clear
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:static:warm
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:assets:generate-presets --queue

( flock -w 10 9 || exit 1
    echo 'Restarting FPM...'; sudo -S service $FORGE_PHP_FPM reload ) 9>/tmp/fpmlock