This is an example project for MWAR-433.

There seems to be a bug introduced in version 3.3.0 of the maven-war-plugin. My project generates wsdls using the jaxws-maven-plugin which puts the generated wsdls in ${}/${}/WEB-INF/wsdls so that they are packaged up in the war file. Then I have a client jar that copies those wsdls out of the war file using the maven-dependency-plugin and generates a client from the wsdls using the jaxws-maven-plugin.

This all works fine using 3.2.3 of the maven-war-plugin. However, after upgrading to 3.3.0 my project fails to build because the wsdls are no longer preserved. It seems that they are being deleted by the maven-war-plugin.

This example project recreates the problem. If you run the following from the master branch which is using version 3.2.3 of the maven-war-plugin everything should work correctly:

$ ./mvnw clean install

You can also validate that the wsdl is present in the expanded war:

$ ls -la example-webapp/target/example-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/wsdl/ExampleWebService.wsdl

I've also included the enunciate-maven-plugin which should generate documentation for the webservice in ${}/${}/docs just to demonstrate that this isn't an issue specific to wsdl files. You can validate that the documentation is present like this:

$ ls -la example-webapp/target/example-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/docs/index.html

Now if you checkout the maven-war-plugin-3.3.0 branch you will see that the build will fail when building the example-client module because the wsdl files is not present. Also, if you do the same checks for the wsdl and the enunciate documentation those will also show the files are no longer present.

You can also see build results here:

  • master - Build Status
  • maven-war-plugin-3.3.0 - Build Status