
New shell for Gnome following the Material-design guidelines. Proposing a performant and simple opinionated mouse / keyboard workflow to increase daily productivity and comfort

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Material Shell

A simple, productivity oriented GNOME Shell replacement that provides an innovative and automated mouse and keyboard workflow which aims to be faster and easier to use and creates a great user experience.

Made by following the Material Design guidelines - a solid baseline that allows us to provide an aesthetically pleasing and highly accessible interface.

Read more about the workflow and Material Shell


Demo GIF


Get notified about updates and join me at https://discord.gg/vBb7D9a

STATUS: BETA (expect bugs!)

REQUIRES: gnome-shell >=3.32.0


From source

  1. Clone the project to the gnome-shell extensions folder:
git clone https://github.com/PapyElGringo/material-shell.git ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/material-shell@papyelgringo
  1. Reload GNOME Shell:
  • On X.org: Hit Alt+F2 and type the command r
  • On Wayland: Log out and back in
  1. Open gnome-tweaks and activate the Material Shell extension OR enable it using
gnome-shell-extension-tool -e material-shell@papyelgringo

Arch Linux

  1. You can install Material Shell from the AUR.
    Assuming you're using yay:
yay -S gnome-shell-extension-material-shell-git
  1. Reload GNOME Shell:
  • On X.org: Hit Alt+F2 and type the command r
  • On Wayland: Log out and back in
  1. Open gnome-tweaks and activate the Material Shell extension OR enable it using
gnome-shell-extension-tool -e material-shell@papyelgringo

Other Distributions

  • Fedora: sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-material-shell And more to come...

Workflow Hotkeys

Some hotkeys might already be used by GNOME Shell - please check your keybindings first.

Desktop navigation

  • Super+W Navigate to the upper workspace/category.
  • Super+S Navigate to the lower workspace/category.
  • Super+A Focus the window at the left of the current window.
  • Super+D Focus the window at the right of the current window.

Window manipulation

  • Super+Q Kill the current window focused.
  • Super+[MouseDrag] Move window around.
  • Super+Shift+A Move the current window to the left.
  • Super+Shift+D Move the current window to the right.
  • Super+Shift+W Move the current window to the upper workspace.
  • Super+Shift+S Move the current window to the lower workspace.

Extra Hotkeys

  • Super+Space Cycle the tiling layout of the current workspace.
  • Super+Escape Toggle the UI of Material-shell, like a Zen mode.

Recommended Additional Configuration

The project is based on my earlier work on Material Awesome.