
All the datasets that power Klimadashboard.at and our other projects.

Primary LanguageHack

Klimadashboard Data Repository

This is the collection of datasets that power Klimadashboard.at and our other projects. You can use them for your own visualisations and research. For most of these datasets, we’re not the original source. Please find more information on where the raw data is coming from in the various READMEs that are provided in (almost) every folder. Some of our datasets are updated manually by the team, some on a more regular basis (yearly, monthly, daily or hourly) by scripts running on our data server.


All the files in this directory are hosted at https://data.klimadashboard.org. For the most up-to-date files, use their direct URLs. Changes made on our data server are synced back to this repository at :59 minutes past the hour.

Fair Use

Please consider caching our files in case you plan on accessing them more than 360 times an hour.


All our data files are released under CC BY 4.0 license, unless otherwise specified. This means you can use our datasets free of charge, including for commercial projects and for creating your own datasets, as long the author(s) and source are credited. Our recommended reference is:

Data provided by klimadashboard.org

Data provided by third parties and made available in our datasets is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our database, and you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use.


We assemble our datasets with great care. However, mistakes do happen. We welcome contributions and issues on GitHub or via E-Mail.