
Common Lisp bindings for IUP

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


Common Lisp bindings for IUP

"IUP is a multi-platform toolkit for building graphical user interfaces. It offers a simple API in three basic languages: C, Lua and LED. IUP's purpose is to allow a program source code to be compiled in different systems without any modification." http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/

CL-IUP provides Common Lisp bindings(cffi) to IUP.

Installing IUP

Download installation archive from Tecgraf site. Unpack it and run './install' script(in Linux) or copy '.dll' to 'system32' folder(in windows) .


(defpackage #:test-iup
  (:use :cl :cl-iup))

(in-package #:test-iup)

(iup-defcallback msg-cb () (progn (cl-iup:iupmessage "TestMSG" (format nil "Hello, IUP!~%Version: A%~t(~A)" (IupVersion) (IupVersionDate))) cl-iup:IUP_DEFAULT))

(defparameter dialog nil) (defparameter quit-btn nil) (defparameter vbox nil) (defparameter msg-btn nil)

(defun main-test () (with-iup (setf quit-btn (iupbutton "Close" "")) (IupSetCallback quit-btn "ACTION" (iup-lambda-callback () IUP_CLOSE))

  (setf *msg-btn* (iupbutton "IUP Version" ""))
  (IupSetCallback *msg-btn* "ACTION" msg-cb)

  (setf *vbox*
        (IupSetAttributes (IupLabel "Test IUP")
                          "EXPAND=HORIZONTAL, ALIGNMENT=ACENTER")
        (iup-hbox *msg-btn* *quit-btn*)))
  (IupSetAttributes *vbox* "ALIGNMENT=ACENTER, MARGIN=1x1, GAP=5")
  (setf *dialog* (IupDialog *vbox*))
  (IupSetAttributeHandle *dialog* "DEFAULTESC" *quit-btn*)
  (setf (iup-attribute *dialog* "TITLE") "Test IupDialog!!!")
  (IupSetAttributes *dialog* "RESIZE=YES")
  (IupShow *dialog*)
  (IupDestroy *dialog*)))
