Semestral project for A0A33KAJ class taught by at CTU
The goal of this project is to allow students to simulate single-tape deterministic Turing Machine (TM) in an interactive way. You can step trough the iterations of the TM, display and edit the transition table and edit the input.
First, when you load the page, you can notice there is a big tape in the middle of the screen. This is the TM tape. It is by definition of infinite size. The input symbols are always padded by Blank ("B") symbols on the left and on the right.
If you press "Space", the machine executes a single iteration based on the value in the transition table. On the top of the screen, you can see the current state the machine is in. This can help you to navigate trough the transition table of your TM. The simulator makes a sound when advancing to the next state. You can mute the sound by pressing "M". The browser will try to remember that, so that you don't have to mute the sounds on your next page load of the simulator.
By pressing "R", you reset the TM to its initial state.
If you click the "Click me!" button on the right, an editor pane shows up. There is the transition table and also the TM input form. If the cell is empty, it means there is no transition for that symbol from that state. If there is a value in format ||, it means that if the TM reads the symbol in that state, it will go to the , rewrite the symbol to and move one step in . You may use "qX" for the number of the state, where X is an integer. For direction value, you may use "L" for "left" or "R" for "right". For , you may use any symbol, but if you use a symbol which is not defined in the table, you will break your machine.
By clicking on any of the table cell, you active the transition table editor. A big button "Save transition table" pops up. When you are done modifying the transition table.
To change the input of the TM, you can fill out the "Input" field and click on the "Reset" button. The TM will be reset to initial state (q0) and the transition table will be updated to accommodate for all the unique symbols + the Blank symbol "B". (The symbol "B" is always reserved for the Blank symbol, so I advise you not to use it)
## Contributing
This is a semestral project, so I won't accept your Pull Request until June 2017. However, feel free to report any bug or to suggest any improvement! Thank you :)
You can click the list items and they will redirect you directly to the code.
The structure of the folder is the following:
- Static files live here, contents of this folder are not transpiledcss/
- CSS lives herejs/
- Transpiled JS files live here
- JS lives here, core of the system in ES6 - transpiled by webpack
### General
- cíl projektu, postup, popis funkčnosti, komentáře ve zdrojovém kódu X 1
- Validita - Validní použití HTML5 doctype (1)
- Validita - funkcionalita v nejnovějších prohlížečích W3C HTML W3C CSS (2)
- Semantické značky "správné použití sémantických značek (section, article, nav, aside, ...)" (1)
- Grafika - SVG / Canvas (2)
- Média - Audio/Video - to display, paste "tourette" into the TM Input and click "Reset" (1)
- Formulářové prvky Validace, typy, placeholder, autofocus (2)
- Offline aplikace "využití možnosti fungování stránky bez Internetového připojení (viz sekce Javascript)" (1)
### CSS / 8
- Pokročilé selektory použití pokročilých pseudotříd a kombinátorů (1)
- Vendor prefixy (generated by
- CSS3 transformace 2D/3D (2)
- CSS3 transitions/animations (2)
- Media queries stránky fungují i na mobilních zařízeních i jiných (tedy nerozpadají se) (2)
- OOP přístup prototypová dědičnost, její využití, jmenné prostory (!2)
- Použití JS frameworku či knihovny použití a pochopení frameworku či knihovny JAK, jQuery, .. - I used Yarn and Webpack (1)
- Použití pokročilých JS API (File API, Geolocation, Drag & Drop, LocalStorage, Sockety, ...) - I used LocalStorage to store info about sound mute toggle (!3)
- Funkční historie posun tlačítky zpět/vpřed prohlížeče - pokud to vyplývá z funkcionatilty (History API) (2)
- Ovládání medií použití Média API (video, zvuk), přehrávání z JS (1)
- Offline aplikace využití JS API pro zjišťování stavu (1)
- JS práce se SVG události, tvorba, úpravy (2)
- Kompletnost řešení (3)
- Estetické zpracování (2)