
Multicolumn viewer for tree organized data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

	b-finder, javascript/jquery selector for tree structured data

	— Compatible with jQuery;
	— Simple to use;
	— User defined handlers support.


	— HTML;
	— CSS;
	— JavaScript;
	— jQuery 1.6+.

	Code example:

				load : function(ext) {
					// your code that loads a data tree array from ajax or other source
					// (see array description below)
					return yourDataList;
				click : function(event, int, ext) {
					// your additional code for single click
				dblclick : function(event, call, int, ext) {
					// your code for double click with ajax requests and other actions
				// your params

	.finder() method params

	 param    | description
	 id       | Number or string ID for current Finder instance
	 handlers | Three user handlers: load, click and dblclick.
	          | Click is optional
	 params   | Object with user params (ids, urls, etc)

	The list of arguments inside .load() handler

	 #  | value
	 1. | An object given in params attribute for .finder() method

	The list of arguments inside .click() handler

	 #  | value
	 1. | Event object
	 2. | Data object from Finder with the following keys:
	    | — id         — clicked row id
	    | — pid        — row parend id
	    | — name       — row name
	    | — next       — next column number (to put content there)
	    | — expandable — is row expandable or not
	 3. | An object given in params attribute for .finder() method

	The list of arguments inside .dblclick() handler

	 #  | value
	 1. | Event object
	 2. | An object contains Finder own functions with the following keys:
	    | — hide   — closes Finder
	    | — done   — for successful transaction ending
	    | — undone — for unsuccessful transaction ending
	 3. | Data object from Finder with the following keys:
	    | — id         — clicked row id
	    | — pid        — row parend id
	    | — name       — row name
	    | — next       — next column number (to put content there)
	    | — action     — has two values: approve and cancel
	    | — expandable — is row expandable or not
	 4. | An object given in params attribute for .finder() method

	Own Finder settings in params object for .finder() method

	 param           | value
	 finder_holder   | True if you don`t need additional column at the end
	 finder_multiple | True if you want multiselect to be on
	 finder_cols     | Number of columns per «page» from 2 to 4
	 finder_selected | An array of row ids that should be selected for the
	                 | first Finder opening
	 finder_lang     | An object contains texts for Finder`s design
	                 | elements with the following keys:
	                 | — hat      — Finder`s title at the top
	                 | — hint     — hint for users at the bottom
	                 | — search   — placeholder for search field
	                 | — selected — title for selection filter button