📈Lightweight k-line chart that can be highly customized. Zero dependencies. Support mobile.(可高度自定义的轻量级k线图,无第三方依赖,支持移动端)
Pinned issues
- 2
applyMoreData(dataList, more, callback)
#606 opened by explorster - 2
[Bug] 在webview内使用k线图标,手势抬起之后十字光标不会消失?
#610 opened by jhmobile - 2
[Feature] 单独设置每根蜡烛图的颜色
#555 opened by ooyeah - 0
[Bug] LoadDataType枚举未导出
#597 opened by kkqy - 0
[Bug] Decimal formatting is being applied to legend's value.text (it shouldn't?)
#609 opened by Andrey36652 - 1
[Feature] Implement a way (in public API) to obtain list of all panes and list of all overlays
#605 opened by Andrey36652 - 0
Multiple Chart on Same Page
#603 opened by nensimehta - 0
- 0
Date Format for XAxis
#598 opened by nensimehta - 0
[Bug] z-level is not ovveridable
#588 opened by AMSANJI-WORK - 0
[Feature] getIndicatorDataList(indicator_name)
#596 opened by openroc - 0
[Feature] Space between two points in indicators
#594 opened by johndev874 - 2
[Feature] Programmatically modify the yAxis range
#591 opened by rxdiscovery - 8
#589 opened by StationSun - 2
[Feature] 怎样在图表中画一条直线,像priceMark一样,但是可以灵活设置值
#586 opened by taojunnan - 0
[Feature] 能否在技术指标的副图显示蜡烛图而不是显示OHLC
#585 opened by 1amfine2333 - 1
[Bug] 关于在React Native 中使用的问题,
#582 opened by wuweiliyou - 1
[Bug] 图表一直抖动
#584 opened by wuwenx - 0
[Bug] help draw a rectangle
#583 opened by Upsssssss - 1
[Bug] v8.6.3 chart.createAnnotation不生效
#581 opened by gaoqiiii - 0
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[Bug] Forward/Backward data loading is reversed
#546 opened by char101 - 2
#573 opened by kkks2024 - 1
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[Feature] i want to make ichimoku indicator
#560 opened by mooksama - 0
[Bug] Indicator: regenerateFigures not implemented
#576 opened by char101 - 0
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[Feature] 如果想适配微信小程序,需要做哪些工作?
#572 opened by 03128crz - 2
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[Bug] Edit numbers after the decimal point
#571 opened by IlanKalendarov - 0
[Feature] 点击蜡烛图后能否获取tooltips的所有技术指标?
#568 opened by ibucoin - 4
[Feature] Auto(fits data to screen)
#561 opened by QGB - 0
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再布局中使用width100% flex 1 等自适应,但是拖动画面的时候图表不会自动自适应
#554 opened by gh81997167 - 1
[Bug] 9.8.1 设置成百分比后出现大量error
#543 opened by helixtomcat - 0
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[Feature] 实例API增加 getOverlays 方法
#559 opened by yunTerry - 0
[Feature] Use esbuild instead of rollup
#550 opened by char101 - 0
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[Bug] 游览器窗口切出去在切回来,k线图空白了
#548 opened by beehive-token - 1
[Bug] UI bug on price YAxis introduced in 9.8.2
#544 opened by jose-donato - 0
[Bug] 9.7.2 + Electron = Broken
#533 opened by jinusean - 3
[Bug] setLoadDataCallback not triggered
#540 opened by sazanof - 0
[Feature] h5 适配感觉有点问题,
#536 opened by chenxiangjun2010 - 0
[Feature] 实现只画图不显示title和只显示title,不画图
#537 opened by rascaler - 1
[Feature] k线更新的时候,指标的数据是全部重新从头计算一遍的吗?
#535 opened by heimo88 - 1
[Feature] 需要實現資金流入、流出指標的示例。
#531 opened by codenong