
A React Native plugin to use the Klippa Scanner SDK

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Npm version


SDK License

Please be aware you need to have a license to use this SDK. If you would like to use our scanner, please contact us here

Getting started


Edit the file android/build.gradle, add the Klippa Maven repository:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ... other repositories

        maven {
            credentials {
                username "{your-username}"
                password "{your-password}"
            url "https://custom-ocr.klippa.com/sdk/android/maven"

Replace the {your-username} and {your-password} values with the ones provided by Klippa.

If you're using gradle 7+ you will need to change copyDownloadableDepsToLibs in the app/build.gradle. It should now look like:

task copyDownloadableDepsToLibs(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.implementation
    into 'libs'


Edit the file ios/Podfile, add the Klippa CocoaPod:

// Add this to the top of your file:
// Edit the platform to a minimum of 13.0, our SDK doesn't support earlier versions.

platform :ios, '13.0'

  ENV['KLIPPA_SCANNER_SDK_USERNAME'] = '{your-username}'

  ENV['KLIPPA_SCANNER_SDK_PASSWORD'] = '{your-password}'

# // Edit the Runner config to add the pod:

target ‘YourApplicationName’ do
  // ... other instructions

  // Add this below `use_react_native`

  if "#{ENV['KLIPPA_SCANNER_SDK_URL']}" == ""
    file_path = File.expand_path('../node_modules/@klippa/react-native-klippa-scanner-sdk/ios/.sdk_repo', __dir__)
    ENV['KLIPPA_SCANNER_SDK_URL'] = File.read(file_path).strip

    file_path = File.expand_path('../node_modules/@klippa/react-native-klippa-scanner-sdk/ios/.sdk_version', __dir__)
    ENV['KLIPPA_SCANNER_SDK_VERSION'] = File.read(file_path).strip


Replace the {your-username} and {your-password} values with the ones provided by Klippa.

Edit the file ios/{project-name}/Info.plist and add the NSCameraUsageDescription value:

<string>Access to your camera is needed to photograph documents.</string>
<string>Access to your photo library is used to save the images of documents.</string>

React native

$ npm install @klippa/react-native-klippa-scanner-sdk --save

Don't forget to run pod install in the ios folder when running the iOS app.

Mostly automatic installation (only for versions of React Native lower than 0.60, later versions have auto-linking)

$ react-native link @klippa/react-native-klippa-scanner-sdk


import KlippaScannerSDK from '@klippa/react-native-klippa-scanner-sdk';

// Ask for camera permission.
KlippaScannerSDK.getCameraPermission().then((authStatus) => {
    if (authStatus.Status !== "Authorized") {
        // Do something here to tell the user how they should enable the camera.
        Alert.alert("No access to camera");

    // Start the scanner.
        // Required
        License: "{license-received-by-klippa}",
        // Optional.

        // Ability to disable/hide the shutter button (only works when a model is supplied as well).
        ShutterButton: {allowShutterButton: true, hideShutterButton: false},
        // Whether the crop mode (auto edge detection) should be enabled by default.
        DefaultCrop: true,
        // Define the max resolution of the output file. It’s possible to set only one of these values. We will make sure the picture fits in the given resolution. We will also keep the aspect ratio of the image. Default is max resolution of camera.
        ImageMaxWidth: 1920,
        ImageMaxHeight: 1080,
        // Set the output quality (between 0-100) of the jpg encoder. Default is 100.
        ImageMaxQuality: 95,
        // The warning message when someone should move closer to a document, should be a string.
        MoveCloserMessage: "Move closer to the document",

        // The warning message when the camera preview has to much motion to be able to automatically take a photo.
        ImageMovingMessage: "Too much movement",
        // The text inside of the delete button.
        DeleteButtonText: "Delete Photo",

        // The text inside of the retake button.
        RetakeButtonText: "Retake Photo",

        // The text inside of the cancel button.
        CancelButtonText: "Cancel",

        // The text inside of the cancel alert button.
        CancelAndDeleteImagesButtonText: "Delete photos & exit",

        // The text inside of the alert to confirm exiting the scanner.
        CancelConfirmationMessage: "Delete photos and exit scanner?",

        // The warning message when the camera turned out of portrait mode.
        OrientationWarningMessage: "Hold your phone in portrait mode",

        // The camera mode for scanning one part documents.
        CameraModeSingle?: SingleDocumentMode;

        // The camera mode for scanning documents that consist of multiple pages.
        CameraModeMulti?: MultipleDocumentMode;

        // The camera mode for scanning long documents in separate parts.
        CameraModeSegmented?: SegmentedDocumentMode;

        // To limit the amount of images that can be taken.
        ImageLimit: 10,
        // The message to display when the limit has been reached.
        ImageLimitReachedMessage: "You have reached the image limit",

        // Whether to go to the Review Screen once the image limit has been reached. (default false)
        ShouldGoToReviewScreenWhenImageLimitReached: false,

        // Whether to hide or show the rotate button in the Review Screen. (default shown/true)
        UserCanRotateImage: true,

        // Whether to hide or show the cropping button in the Review Screen. (default shown/true)
        UserCanCropManually: true,

        // Whether to hide or show the color changing button in the Review Screen. (default shown/true)
        UserCanChangeColorSetting: true,

        // What the default color conversion will be (grayscale, original, enhanced).
        DefaultColor: "original",
        // Optional. Only affects Android.
        // Where to put the image results.
        StoragePath: "/sdcard/scanner",
        // The filename to use for the output images, supports replacement tokens %dateTime% and %randomUUID%.
        OutputFilename: "KlippaScannerExample-%dateTime%-%randomUUID%",
        // The threshold sensitive the motion detection is. (lower value is higher sensitivity, default 50).
        ImageMovingSensitivityAndroid: 50,
        // Optional. Only affects iOS.
        // The warning message when the camera result is too bright.
        ImageTooBrightMessage: "The image is too bright",
        // The warning message when the camera result is too dark.
        ImageTooDarkMessage: "The image is too dark",

        // The text inside of the color selection alert dialog button named original.
        ImageColorOriginalText: "original",

        // The text inside of the color selection alert dialog button named grayscale.
        ImageColorGrayscaleText: "grayscale",
        // The text inside of the color selection alert dialog button named enhanced.
        ImageColorEnhancedText: "enhanced",
        // The primary color of the interface, should be a UIColor.
        PrimaryColor: null,
        // The accent color of the interface, should be a UIColor.
        AccentColor: null,
        // The overlay color (when using document detection), should be a UIColor.
        OverlayColor: null,
        // The color of the background of the warning message, should be a UIColor.
        WarningBackgroundColor: null,
        // The color of the text of the warning message, should be a UIColor.
        WarningTextColor: null,

        // The color of the menu icons when they are enabled, should be a UIColor.
        IconEnabledColor: null,

        // The color of the menu icons when they are disabled, should be a UIColor.
        IconDisabledColor: null,

        // The color of the menu icons of the screen where you can review/edit the images, should be a UIColor.
        ReviewIconColor: null,
        // The amount of opacity for the overlay, should be a float.
        OverlayColorAlpha: 0.75,
        // The amount of seconds the preview should be visible for, should be a float.
        PreviewDuration: 1.0,
        // Whether the camera has a view finder overlay (a helper grid so the user knows where the document should be), should be a Boolean.
        IsViewFinderEnabled: true,

        // If you would like to use a custom model for object detection. Model + labels file should be packaged in your bundle.
        Model: {name: "model", labelsName: "labels"},
        // If you would like to enable automatic capturing of images.
        Timer: {enabled: true, duration: 0.4},

        // To add extra horizontal and / or vertical padding to the cropped image.
        CropPadding: {width: 100, height: 100},

        // After capture, show a check mark preview with this success message, instead of a preview of the image.
        Success: {message: "Success!", previewDuration: 0.3},

        // Whether the camera automatically saves the images to the camera roll (iOS) / gallery (Android). Default true.
        StoreImagesToCameraRoll: true,

        // The threshold sensitive the motion detection is. (lower value is higher sensitivity, default 200).
        ImageMovingSensitivityiOS: 200,

The result of KlippaScannerSDK.getCameraResult() is a Promise, so you can get the result with:

KlippaScannerSDK.getCameraResult(options).then((result) => {
}).catch((reason) => {

The content of the result object is:

  // Whether the MultipleDocuments option was turned on, so you can save it as default.
  "MultipleDocuments": true,

  // Whether the Crop option was turned on, so you can save it as default (Android only).
  "Crop": true,

  // What color option was used, so you can save it as default (Android only).
  "Color": "original",
  // An array of images.
  "Images": [
      "Filepath": "/sdcard/scanner/dd0ca979-84e1-426e-8877-586e802fed1f.jpg"

The reject reason object has a code and a message, the used codes are:

  • E_ACTIVITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST (Android only)
  • E_FAILED_TO_SHOW_CAMERA (Android only)
  • E_LICENSE_ERROR (on iOS license errors result in E_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

How to use a specific version of the SDK?


Edit the file android/build.gradle, add the following:

allprojects {
  // ... other definitions
  project.ext {
      klippaScannerVersion = "{version}"

Replace the {version} value with the version you want to use.


Edit the file ios/Podfile, change the pod line of Klippa-Scanner and replace latest.podspec with {version}.podspec, replace the {version} value with the version you want to use.

How to change the colors of the scanner?


Add or edit the file android/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml, add the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_Primary">#2dc36a</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_PrimaryDark">#308D53</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_Accent">#2dc36a</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_Overlay">#2dc36a</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_Warning">#BFFF0000</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_IconDisabledColor">#80FFFFFF</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_IconEnabledColor">#FFFFFFFF</color>
    <color name="klippa_scanner_sdk_color_ReviewIconColor">#FFFFFFFF</color>


Use the following properties in the config when running getCameraResult: PrimaryColor, AccentColor, OverlayColor, WarningBackgroundColor, WarningTextColor, OverlayColorAlpha, IconDisabledColor, IconEnabledColor, ReviewIconColor.

How to change the texts in the scanner?


Use the following properties in the config when running getCameraResult: DeleteButtonText, RetakeButtonText, CancelButtonText, CancelAndDeleteImagesButtonText, CancelConfirmationMessage, MoveCloserMessage, ImageMovingMessage, ImageLimitReachedMessage, OrientationWarningMessage.


Add or edit the file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml, add the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="klippa_zoom_message">Move closer to the document</string>
    <string name="klippa_image_limit_reached">You have reached the image limit</string>
    <string name="klippa_success_message">Success</string>
    <string name="klippa_image_moving_message">Moving too much</string>
    <string name="klippa_orientation_warning_message">Hold your phone in portrait mode</string>
    <string name="klippa_delete_button_text">Delete Photo</string>
    <string name="klippa_retake_button_text">Retake Photo</string>
    <string name="klippa_cancel_button_text">Cancel</string>
    <string name="klippa_cancel_delete_images">Delete photos and exit</string>
    <string name="klippa_cancel_confirmation">Delete photos and exit scanner?</string>


Use the following properties in the config when running getCameraResult: ImageTooBrightMessage, ImageTooDarkMessage, DeleteButtonText, RetakeButtonText, CancelButtonText, CancelAndDeleteImagesButtonText, CancelConfirmationMessage, MoveCloserMessage, ImageMovingMessage, ImageLimitReachedMessage, OrientationWarningMessage, ImageColorOriginalText, ImageColorGrayscaleText, ImageColorEnhancedText.

Important iOS notes

Older iOS versions do not ship the Swift libraries. To make sure the SDK works on older iOS versions, you can configure the build to embed the Swift libraries using the build setting EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT = YES.

We started using XCFrameworks from version 0.1.0, if you want to use that version or up, you need CocoaPod version 1.9.0 or higher.

Important Android notes

When using a custom trained model for object detection, add the following to your app's build.gradle file to ensure Gradle doesn’t compress the models when building the app:

android {
    aaptOptions {
        noCompress "tflite"

About Klippa

Klippa is a scale-up from Groningen, The Netherlands and was founded in 2015 by six Dutch IT specialists with the goal to digitize paper processes with modern technologies.

We help clients enhance the effectiveness of their organization by using machine learning and OCR. Since 2015 more than a 1000 happy clients have been served with a variety of the software solutions that Klippa offers. Our passion is to help our clients to digitize paper processes by using smart apps, accounts payable software and data extraction by using OCR.


The MIT License (MIT)