
Chef cookbook for backups

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status


Uses the Backup Ruby Gem to perform backups.


Tested on Ubuntu Linux with Ruby 1.9, but should run on any Unix with Ruby.


See attributes/default.rb for default vaules.

  • node['backup']['config_path'] - Where backup configuration data will be stored. Defaults is /etc/backup
  • node['backup']['log_path'] - Where backup logs will be stored. Defaults is /var/log
  • node['backup']['model_path'] - Where backup models (definitions) are stored. Default is node['backup']['config_path']/models
  • node['backup']['dependencies'] - An array of arrays of additional dependencies and optional versions needed for backups. The backup gem will inform you about these when the backup runs. (examples: ['fog'], [['fog', '1.4.0'], ['s3']])
  • node['backup']['user'] - User that performs backups. Default is root
  • node['backup']['group'] - Group that performs backups. Default is root
  • node['backup']['version'] - Version of the Backup gem to be installed. The latest version of this cookbook should have the latest stable version of the gem
  • node['backup']['server'] - Data about a centralized backup server. Used by the backup_mount resource. Default is an empty hash.
  • node['backup']['server']['address'] - Address of the backup server.
  • node['backup']['server']['root_path'] - Root path on the server where backups go.



The default recipe installs the backup gem and its dependencies and sets up the basic configuration.

Resources and Providers


Creates a backup model with an optional cron schedule.


  • :create - Create a model. The default.
  • :delete - Delete a model

Attribute Parameters

  • The name attribute - A symbol used as the trigger name.
  • description - A description for the backup. Default is the same as the name.
  • definition - A string (best formed as a heredoc) defining the backup. Will be interpoleted and turned into a model file. Required.
  • schedule - A hash of times (minute, hour, day, month, weekday) that will be passed to a cron resource.
  • cron_options - A hash of other options to be passed to the cron resource. Includes :command (will be set to the generated backup command by default), :mailto, :path, :shell, :user.


This will create a model scheduled to back up a database daily:

backup_model :my_db do
  description "Back up my database"

  definition <<-DEF
    split_into_chunks_of 4000

    database MySQL do |db|
      db.name = 'mydb'
      db.username = 'myuser'
      db.password = '#{node['mydb']['password']}' # will be interpolated

    compress_with Gzip

    store_with S3 do |s3|
      s3.access_key_id = '#{node['aws']['access_key_id']}'
      s3.secret_access_key = '#{node['aws']['secret_access_key']}'
      s3.bucket = 'mybucket'

    :minute => 0,
    :hour   => 0


Defines an NFS mount to be used for backup storage and creates the necessary directories. Uses the node['backup']['server'] attributes.

This fits a specific use case and may or may not be useful. It is intended to be used with the RSync::Local syncer and Local storage option.


  • :enable - Enables and mounts the device
  • :disable - Disables and unmounts the device

Attribute Parameters

  • Name attribute: The path where the mount will be placed.
  • remote_path: The path being accessed on the remote server


Given the following attributes:

  • node['backup']['server']['address'] = ''
  • node['backup']['server']['root_path'] = 'volume1'

And this in the recipe:

backup_mount '/mnt/backup/myapp' do
  remote_path '/backups/myapp' # Will be prefixed with with the `node['backup']['server']['root_path']` if it is set.

will create an NFS mount at /mnt/backup/myapp with the device